15-24-760 Dip tank construction.
   (a)   Dip tanks shall be constructed of substantial noncombustible material and their supports shall be of heavy metal, reinforced concrete or masonry.
   (b)   Adequate drainboards shall be provided to prevent the liquid from dripping on the floor or other undesirable locations. Such drainboards shall be constructed of substantial noncombustible material and shall have a pitch of not less than one-half-inch vertical rise for each ten feet of the horizontal so that the liquid will drain back to the dip tank or other suitable location. Such drainboards shall be arranged to automatically prevent the conducting of water into the dip tank in the event of a fire.
   (c)   Dip tanks of over 150 gallons in capacity or ten square feet in liquid surface area hereafter installed shall have a trapped overflow pipe leading to an underground salvage tank complying with the requirements of Section 15-24-280. The bottom of the overflow connection shall be not less than six inches below the top of the tank.
   (d)   Dip tanks in excess of 500 gallons in liquid capacity hereafter installed shall be equipped with an approved quick-opening valve located at the bottom of the dip tank. Such valve shall operate manually and shall also be arranged to automatically open the valve in the event of a fire and quickly drain the contents of the tank to an underground salvage tank, complying with the requirements of Section 15-24-280. Manual operation shall be from a safe, accessible location. Where gravity flow is not practicable, automatic pumps shall be provided. Such drains shall be trapped.
   (e)   Dip tanks utilizing a conveyor system shall be so arranged that in the event of a fire, the conveyor system shall automatically cease motion and the required bottom drains shall open.
(Prior code §  129.1-67)