Any material used as scenery and decorations which will either support combustion or carry a flame when subjected to a temperature of 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of not less than ten minutes shall be classed as scenery and decorations and shall be governed by the following regulations pertaining to scenery and decorations.
(Prior code § 90-57)
Any material, which does not comply with Section 15-4-590 and is used as scenery and decoration shall meet the requirement of the large and small scale tests given in the National Fire Protection Association's Pamphlet No. 701 entitled Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Resistant Textiles and Films, 1973 Edition, and be so certified by a testing agency recognized by the fire commissioner. The large-scale test shall be used whenever the material will be hung in folds or whenever the small test reveals that the material is subject to excessive melting or shrinking. The small test shall be used in all other instances.
(Prior code § 90-58; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 89)
For the purpose of determining the amount of scenery and decorations permitted in any premises, the words "wall area" are hereby defined as the sum of the areas of the ceiling and enclosing walls of the room, auditorium or part of the building in which such scenery and decorations are located, including the areas of all openings through such ceiling and enclosing walls. Except as hereinafter provided for curtains, portable screens, and projection screens on the stages of schools, all scenery and decorations used as stage settings in any type of occupancy shall be located within a stage as defined in Chapter 14B-2 and regulated in Section 14B-4-410.
On school stages which are not equipped as required by the provisions of Chapter 14B-4, it shall be permissible to use a pair of sliding curtains hung on horizontal metal rods not more than 12 feet above the floor of the stage and portable screens set on the floor. Said screens shall be not more than eight feet in height. On such stages located on the first or ground floor of a school of fireproof construction, it shall be permissible to use not more than four curtains hung from the top of the proscenium arch or from the ceiling. In addition, necessary projection screens may be used on such school stages. All such scenery and decorations, before being used, shall be treated with a flame-retardant solution, and thereafter continuously maintained, so that they will be capable of withstanding the test for scenery and decorations given in Section 15-4-600 of this Code.
No scenery or decorations in excess of the amount necessary as stage settings or the current production shall be stored or kept in any theater.
(Prior code § 90-59; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. VIII, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 6)
Excepting the aforesaid provisions for scenery and decorations on the stages of schools and stages regulated by Section 14B-4-410, all decorations and scenery in every Group A, E, I or M occupancy shall conform to the following requirements:
1. Before being used, all scenery and decorations shall have been so treated with a flame-retardant solution and continuously maintained in such condition as to pass the test for scenery and decorations given in Section 15-4-600 of this Code;
2. No scenery and decorations shall be so hung or applied as to conceal any means of exit nor to reduce the width of any exit nor to give the appearance of an exit where none exists;
3. Not more than five percent of the wall area of any auditorium or room in any of the buildings mentioned in this section shall be covered by scenery and decorations;
4. No one article of scenery and decoration shall cover more than three percent of said wall area.
(Prior code § 90-60; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 7)
It shall be the duty of the promoter, show manager or person in charge of any show, display, convention, contest, social function, exhibition, or similar activity (for purposes of this section, the "event") to provide, at his own expense, special fireguards for such activities. While on duty the special fireguards shall wear such uniform and badges as the fire commissioner may prescribe and shall carry on their person the license issued under the provisions of Section 15-4-680. Special fireguards shall be subject to the orders of the fire commissioner at all times while the special fireguard is on duty. The number and locations of such fireguards shall be determined by the following methods:
1. During such time the event is open for business or activity, one special fireguard shall be provided for each 25,000 square feet of exhibition or show area including the storage space used by the show or exhibition.
2. During such time the event is closed for business, such as the nighttime hours and during the move-in and move-out periods of the event one, special fireguard shall be provided for each 50,000 square feet of exhibition or show area including the storage space used by the show or exhibition.
3. Depending upon the nature of the event, the anticipated attendance, the nature of the audience or in cases where the number of floors or levels of exhibition at the event make compliance with items 1 and 2 of this section inadequate, the fire commissioner may, at his discretion, require additional special fireguards.
4. Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this section, and subject to review and approval of the fire commissioner, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (M.P.E.A.) shall be responsible for determining the appropriate number and location of fireguards to be provided at the McCormick Place Convention Complex and at Navy Pier Festival Hall, as long as those facilities are owned and operated by M.P.E.A. M.P.E.A's authority to make this determination is subject to its compliance with the following conditions: (a) maintaining a fire prevention staff of at least 25 employees certified by the State of Illinois as Firefighter II and as emergency medical technicians; and (b) maintaining a security staff of at least 120 employees registered with the city as fireguards available for events at the named M.P.E.A. facilities, to function in the capacity as fireguards available for events at the named M.P.E.A. facilities; and (c) maintaining the capacity to contract for additional fireguards as may be necessary for any event or series of events at the named M.P.E.A. facilities; and (d) documenting and submitting to the fire commissioner the number and location, and other such information as the fire commissioner may require, of fireguards for each event at M.P.E.A. facilities no later than 30 days prior to the event. At all times, when an event is ongoing, there shall be an adequate number of fireguards. When the event consists of 25,000 square feet or more, there shall be at least one fireguard assigned to the event. Such fireguards shall be placed in appropriate locations, subject to review and approval of the fire commissioner. There shall also be an adequate number of fireguards during nighttime hours and move- in and move-out periods. If, at any time, in the opinion of the fire commissioner, the number and location of the fireguards is insufficient at the named M.P.E.A. facility, the fire commissioner shall order additional fireguards placed on duty. The fire commissioner shall consider, in determining the appropriate number of fireguards, the square footage of the event, the materials and equipment to be used during the event, the number of event attendees, and exit and aisle configuration of the exhibits. The fire commissioner may also consider additional factors as are necessary or appropriate to ensure public safety.
(Prior code § 90-62; Amend Coun. J. 7-10-02, p. 90060, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 232; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 90)