For the purpose of determining the amount of scenery and decorations permitted in any premises, the words "wall area" are hereby defined as the sum of the areas of the ceiling and enclosing walls of the room, auditorium or part of the building in which such scenery and decorations are located, including the areas of all openings through such ceiling and enclosing walls. Except as hereinafter provided for curtains, portable screens, and projection screens on the stages of schools, all scenery and decorations used as stage settings in any type of occupancy shall be located within a stage as defined in Chapter 14B-2 and regulated in Section 14B-4-410.
On school stages which are not equipped as required by the provisions of Chapter 14B-4, it shall be permissible to use a pair of sliding curtains hung on horizontal metal rods not more than 12 feet above the floor of the stage and portable screens set on the floor. Said screens shall be not more than eight feet in height. On such stages located on the first or ground floor of a school of fireproof construction, it shall be permissible to use not more than four curtains hung from the top of the proscenium arch or from the ceiling. In addition, necessary projection screens may be used on such school stages. All such scenery and decorations, before being used, shall be treated with a flame-retardant solution, and thereafter continuously maintained, so that they will be capable of withstanding the test for scenery and decorations given in Section 15-4-600 of this Code.
No scenery or decorations in excess of the amount necessary as stage settings or the current production shall be stored or kept in any theater.
(Prior code § 90-59; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. VIII, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 6)