The Committee on Standards and Tests is created to assist the building official with protecting public health, safety, and welfare by ascertaining the suitability of construction materials, construction methods, systems of construction, or arrangements of materials that are not allowed or recognized by, or vary from, the requirements established by the Chicago Construction Codes and that are claimed to be equally as good as or superior to those allowed by the Chicago Construction Codes.
The appointed members must include three architects, two structural engineers, and two mechanical engineers, except when a vacancy exists. Each of the appointed members must be licensed by the State of Illinois and have been a resident of the City for a period of one year or maintained his or her principal professional office in the City for a period of five years preceding the date of appointment.
Any person desiring to use any construction material, construction method, system of construction, or arrangement of materials that is not allowed or recognized by, or varies from, the requirements established by the Chicago Construction Codes may submit a written application to the building official, supported by evidence to establish that the request will result in construction that is equivalent or superior to that allowed by the Chicago Construction Codes.
Each application must be accompanied by payment of a nonrefundable review fee in accordance with Section 14A-12-1210.
The building official will conduct a preliminary review of each application and recommend to the Committee whether the construction material, construction method, system of construction, or arrangement of materials should be permitted under the conditions outlined in the application or under further conditions identified by the building official.