Nothing in Section 14A-4-407 alters the authority of or the process by which the Commission on Chicago Landmarks and the city council must approve the issuance of demolition permits where such approval is required by the Municipal Code.
The Commissioner of the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities may establish and maintain a program, whereby applicants for a permit may submit preliminary plans for review, corrections, and technical assistance regarding compliance with the accessibility provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes. The Commissioner of the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities must collect a fee as provided in Table 14A-12-1204.1 for preliminary reviews. The fee for the first hour must be paid at the time the review is requested as a non-refundable deposit. If the person requesting a review fails to attend the appointment as scheduled, (i) the deposit paid by that person pursuant to this subsection will be forfeited to the City, unless the scheduled appointment is cancelled 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; and (ii) if a deposit is forfeited, a new appointment may not be scheduled unless another deposit is paid. Any additional fee must assessed and paid upon the conclusion of the review.
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. I, § 11)
The building official and the Comptroller may establish and maintain a program for prospective permit applicants to request a certification that they are not subject to permit denial based on outstanding debt as provided in Section 14A-4-401.3.1, before filing the permit application. Each request must identify the property address where work is to be permitted and all persons listed in Section 14A-4-410.3(5). The filing fee for each request is provided in Table 14A-12-1204.1. A certificate issued under this section will be valid for 120 days from issuance.
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. I, § 12)
To obtain a permit, the applicant must first file a written application with the building official. Applications must comply with Sections 14A-4-410.2 through 14A-4-410.4.