14A-4-401.1.2 Emergency scaffolding.
Where scaffolding for which a permit is required under Section 14A-4-404.16 must be erected on an emergency basis, a permit application for the scaffolding must be submitted to the building official within 3 business days of erection.
14A-4-401.2 Preliminary inspection.
Before issuing a permit, the building official may examine or cause to be examined buildings, structures, and lots for which an application has been filed.
14A-4-401.3 Review.
The building official is directed to examine or cause to be examined the permit application and ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes and the Chicago Zoning Ordinance. The building official is directed to present the permit application to the Department of Planning and Development, Department of Public Health, fire code official, Department of Finance, Department of Water Management, Department of Streets and Sanitation, Department of Transportation, Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, and any other affected department for examination and approval with regard to such provisions of the Municipal Code as are within the exclusive duty of such office to enforce, and after the application has been examined and passed upon it must be returned to the building official. The building official may establish a system whereby applications for permit may be reviewed simultaneously by more than one person or department.
14A-4-401.3.1 Prohibition on issuance.
A permit may not be issued under this chapter if issuance is prohibited by Section 1-23-400 of the Municipal Code.
(Amend Coun. J. 4-21-21, p. 29948, § 9)
14A-4-401.3.2 Underground work.
Where construction documents indicate work extending more than 12 feet (3658 mm) below the lowest adjoining public way, the construction documents must be submitted to the Office of Underground Coordination, and its approval secured, before a permit may be issued by the building official.
14A-4-401.3.3 Encroachment on public property.
The building official may not issue a permit authorizing the construction or rehabilitation of any building or structure unless the construction documents clearly show that the building or structure with all its appurtenances, foundations, and parts, including, if applicable, any commercial refuse and recyclable material container space required under Section 7-28-220 of the Municipal Code, will be built entirely within the limits of the lot upon which it is proposed to construct such building or structure or within the scope of a recorded easement. A permit issued by the building official does not authorize the use of, or encroachment upon, any part of any public way or other public property or property of a person other than the permit applicant for the construction of, or maintenance of, such building or structure on property not belonging to the permit applicant.
1.   City digital signs.
2.   Encroachments into the public way specifically authorized by Chapter 32 of the Chicago Building Code.
3.   Encroachments into the public way authorized by the Commissioner of Transportation or a special ordinance of the city council.