As used in this chapter:
"48 hours" means two business days, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m., exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and the following holidays, as recognized by 811 Chicago: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Any locate request received after 4:00 p.m. on a business day will be processed as though it were received at 8:00 a.m. the next business day.
"811 Chicago" means the 24-hour service network system established by the City of Chicago that provides a free, one-call service to persons engaged in excavation and demolition, and notifies persons who own and operate underground facilities of impending excavations and demolitions within the City's corporate limits.
"Address" means the physical building address associated with an excavation or demolition. When a building address is not available, the term "address" means (1) the street segment address or range of addresses together with (2) a description of the relevant location.
"Approximate location" means a strip of land at least 36 inches wide, but not wider than the width of the underground facility plus 18 inches on either side of the facility.
"CDOT" means the Chicago Department of Transportation.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of CDOT or the Commissioner's designee.
"Damage" means the substantial weakening of structural or lateral support of an underground facility; the penetration or destruction of a protective coating, a housing, or another protective device of an underground facility; the partial or complete severance of an underground facility; or rendering any underground facility inaccessible.
"Demolition" means wrecking, razing, rending, moving, or removing of a structure by means of any power tool, power equipment (excluding transportation equipment), or explosives.
"Emergency excavation or demolition" means an excavation or demolition necessary to prevent a condition that poses an imminent danger to life or health, to repair a utility service outage, to prevent significant property or environmental damage, or to repair an existing unstable condition which will likely result in any of these conditions.
"Excavation" means any operation in which earth, rock, or other material located in or on the ground is moved, removed, or otherwise displaced by means of any tools, power equipment or explosives. Excavation includes, but is not limited to, grading, trenching, digging, ditching, drilling, augering, boring, tunneling, scraping, cable or pipe plowing, saw cutting, and driving. Excavation does not include digging with hand tools to a depth below the surface of up to six inches; farm tillage operations; railroad right-of-way maintenance or operations; roadway surface milling; any coal mining operations regulated under the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 or any state law or rules or regulations adopted under the federal statute; or land surveying operations as defined in the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of 1989 when not using power equipment; to expose or identify underground facilities in furtherance of the completion of a locate request that does not involve the use of power equipment.
"Locate request" means a notice initiated by a person engaged in an excavation or demolition, and made through 811 Chicago, asking the persons who own and operate underground facilities to mark their facilities at the planned excavation or demolition site.
"Mismark" means a facility mark outside the maximum parameters of the approximate location of the underground facility.
"Open cut utility locate" means a method of locating underground facilities that requires excavation by the person who owns or operates the underground facility.
"Residential property owner" means any individual that owns or leases real property that is used by such individual as his own residence or dwelling. Residential property owner does not include any person who owns or leases residential property for the purpose of holding or developing such property, or for any other business or commercial purposes in the absence of a regular physical presence at that property. For example, an individual who lives in and owns or leases a single family home is a residential property owner as to that property. An individual who leases that same home to another individual is not a residential property owner as to that property. An individual who owns a multi-family dwelling is not a residential property owner as to that property.
"Roadway surface milling" means the removal of a uniform pavement section, not including the base or subbase, by rotomilling, grinding, or other means.
"Underground location service" means any entity that charges for the service of locating and marking underground facilities.
"Underground facility" means any item buried or placed below ground or submerged under water for use in connection with the storage or conveyance of water or sewage; or electronic, telephonic, or telegraphic communications; electricity; petroleum products; manufactured, mixed, or natural gas; synthetic or liquefied natural gas; propane gas; or other substances. The term "underground facilities" includes, but is not limited to, all operational underground pipes, sewers, tubing, conduits, cables, valves, lines, wires, manholes, and attachments. The term does not include any private septic system in a single- or multi-family dwelling utilized only for that dwelling and not connected to any other system.
(Added Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. VI, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-21, p. 35804, § 1)
(a) The Commissioner may promulgate rules to implement compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations related to pipeline safety and this chapter, including, but not limited to, rules pertaining to investigation of potential violations of this chapter, the Evaluation Panel, the Administrative Law Officer, and the One-Call Adjudication Process.
(b) The Commissioner shall have the authority to take such actions as may be necessary or appropriate to investigate violations of this chapter, issue Administrative Notices of Violation, and enforce this chapter. A violation of any rule promulgated pursuant to this Chapter 10-21 shall be deemed a violation of the applicable Code section.
(Added Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. VI, § 3)
(a) Every person that owns or operates an underground facility located in the City of Chicago must become a member of 811 Chicago by January 1, 2017. The person shall register with 811 Chicago on-line, providing such information as the Commissioner may require, which will include at least the person's name, and the name, title, address, telephone number, and email of the person's representative designated to receive the notice of intent to engage in excavation or demolition required by Section 10-21-050. Additional system requirements may be imposed by the Commissioner for proper interface with the 811 Chicago system.
(b) If an underground facility becomes subject to this chapter on a date after January 1, 2017, or, if a person acquires an underground facility after January 1, 2017, the person who owns or operates that facility shall become a member of 811 Chicago and provide the information required under subsection 10-21-040(a) within 30 days after that date.
(c) A person owning or operating an underground facility subject to this chapter shall:
(1) provide a map of the underground facility in the electronic format required by CDOT. Any changes shall be reported to 811 Chicago within 30 days after the change; and,
(2) after receiving a notice of an unmarked, mismarked, or an incompletely marked facility, review and update any and all facility maps to ensure that the maps are complete and accurate.
(d) Property owners who own underground facilities solely by virtue of owning the property where the facilities are located are exempt from membership in 811 Chicago.
(Added Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. VI, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-21, p. 35804, § 1)