(A) Full-time employees shall earn paid vacation time. No employee on leave of absence may earn vacation. Vacation time may be taken in increments of not less than four hours at a time, at any time after it is earned in accordance with this section.
(B) Rate for earning vacation.
(1) From the date of hire until the completion of five years continuous service: 6.67 hours a year per the month.
(2) From the completion of five years of continuous service until the completion of ten years of continuous service: 10 hours per month.
(3) From the completion of ten years of continuous service until the completion of 15 years of continuous service: 13.33 hours per month.
(4) From the completion of 15 years of continuous service: 8 additional hours per year up to a maximum of 40 additional hours. Culminating in 16.67 hours earned per month.
(C) Limitations on vacation length. No employee may take more than 120 consecutive hours of vacation (exclusive of holidays) without the prior consent of the Administrator.
(D) Carryover of vacation days. Vacation time shall not be carried over for more than 24 months after the end of the calendar year in which it is earned.
(E) Request of pay for accrued and unused vacation time. An employee may request pay for vacation time accrued and unused once per calendar year. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Administrator and shall be processed on the ensuing pay period.
(F) Requests for vacations. Preference for vacation shall be given those scheduled by February 15. An employee shall request vacation at least one week prior to the vacation requested. Department heads have the discretion and responsibility to grant or deny vacations subject to the needs of the village.
(Ord. 92-11, passed 4-28-92; Am. Ord. 02-55, passed 1-14-03; Am. Ord.13-42, passed 10-22-13)