Water Department; Generally
   51.01   Operation and funding
   51.02   Water contract
   51.03   Installation expense; fees for water taps
   51.04   Repairs and maintenance
   51.05   Minimum rates
   51.06   Lien
   51.07   Single premise
   51.08   Restricted use
   51.09   Fire hydrants
   51.10   Fire suppression
   51.11   Pollution
   51.12   Destruction of property
   51.13   Bonded plumber
   51.14   Prohibition of lead pipes, solder, and flux
   51.15   Deposit
   51.16   (Reserved)
   51.17   Connection required
   51.18   Water wells
   51.19   Bulk water users and rates
Backflow/Backsiphonage Prevention
   51.30   Statement of policy
   51.31   Definitions
   51.32   Cross-connections prohibited
   51.33   Survey and investigations
   51.34   Where protection is required
   51.35   Type of protection required
   51.36   Backflow prevention devices
   51.37   Installation
   51.38   Testing
   51.39   Authorized representative; authority
   51.40   Appeals
   51.41   Violations
   51.42   Liability claims
   51.43   Customer installation, maintenance, and testing
Drought Emergency Contingency Plan
   51.55   Adoption
   Appendix A:   Water and Wastewater Rates
   The city owns and operates the City Water Department through the Director of Public Works. The City Council, for the purpose of defraying the cost of the care, management, and maintenance of the City Water Department may each year levy a tax not exceeding the maximum limit prescribed by state law, on the actual valuation of all real estate and personal property within the corporate limits that is subject to taxation. The revenue from the tax shall be known as the Water Fund and shall remain in the custody of the City Clerk/Treasurer. The Director of Public Works shall have the direct management and control of the City Water Department and shall faithfully carry out the duties of his or her office. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority to adopt rules and regulations for the sanitary and efficient management of the Water Department subject to the supervision and review of the City Council. The City Council shall set the rates to be charged for services rendered by resolution and shall file a copy of the rates in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer for public inspection at any reasonable time.
(Neb. RS 17-531, 17-534, and 19-1,305) (1973 Code, § 3-101)
   The city, through its Water Department, shall furnish water to persons within its corporate limits whose premises abut a street or alley in which a commercial main now is or may hereafter be laid. The city may furnish water to persons within its corporate limits whose premises do not abut a street or alley in which a city commercial main is now or may hereafter be laid and may also furnish water to persons whose premises are situated outside the corporate limits of the city, as and when, according to law, the City Council may see fit to do so. The rules, regulations, and water rates hereinafter named in this chapter, shall be considered a part of every application hereafter made for water service and shall be considered a part of the contract between every consumer now or hereafter served. Without further formality, the making of application on the part of any applicant or the use or consumption of water service by present consumers thereof and the furnishing of water service to the consumer shall constitute a contract between the consumer and the city, to which the contract both parties are bound. If the consumer shall violate any of the provisions of the contract or any reasonable rules and regulations that the Water Department may hereafter adopt, the Director of Public Works or his or her agent, may cut off or disconnect the water service from the building or premise or place of the violation. No further connection for water service to the building, premise, or place shall again be made save or except by order of the Director of Public Works or his or her agent.
(1973 Code, § 3-102)
   The city shall tap the main and provide the fixtures and labor up to and including the meter pit at the property lot line of the customer. No person other than the Director of Public Works or his or her duly authorized agent shall tap the water main. The customer shall pay a water tap fee, at the time of filing the application for a water tap, and for any additional costs corresponding with the work, according to the following.
   (A)   Single-family residential customers within the city limits.
      (1)   Upon an initial payment of $700 to the City Clerk, the city will furnish and install a one inch tap, a line from the water main to the property, and a standard pit and meter.
      (2)   For any work deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works to install the tap that is located under any type of permanent surfacing, such as concrete or asphalt, the customer will pay for the actual costs of any necessary material and labor at the rate calculated by the city.
      (3)   For any work requiring boring of any type and the property owner shall pay the actual costs to complete the boring as calculated by the city.
      (4)   Any connection larger than the minimum one-inch water line shall pay an additional fee of $100 per inch larger than the minimum, or any fraction thereof.
      (5)   Any connection larger than one inch shall also pay the difference in expense of any materials, as long as such expenses are greater than normally incurred by the city for a one-inch tap.
   (B)   Multi-family residential customers within the city limits.
      (1)   The same charges as set forth in division (A) apply to multi-family residential customers.
      (2)   If the multi-family residential building uses one meter to feed one building with multiple units, there will be an additional charge for each multi-family separate unit of $100 per unit.
      (3)   The per unit fee of a multi-family water tap will also apply if a multi-family dwelling adds units to be served upon its pre-existing water tap at a later date.
   (C)   Commercial customers within the city limits.
      (1)   The same charges as set forth in division (A) apply to commercial customers.
   (D)   Residential and commercial customers outside the city limits.
      (1)   The property in question must be adjacent to streets or roads containing water mains of the city.
      (2)   Pay twice the amount as set forth in the appropriate subdivisions of divisions (A) and (B).
      (3)   If the property owner disconnects from the city water system, and remains disconnected for more than 12 consecutive months, it will be as the property was never connected to the city water system, and if owner desires to reconnect after those 12 consecutive months, they must connect at the same fee as if they were never connected previously. This division does not waive any fee in relation to disconnect and reconnect activity due to non-payment of utility bills, or at the desires of the property owner.
      (4)   If the property is not adjacent to a street or road containing water mains of the city, then the fee will be decided on a case by case basis by the City Council. In no instance shall it be less than double the rates of divisions (A), (B), or (C), and all costs incurred by the city above the normal tap fees shall be reimbursed to the city in order to reach the property.
   (E)   The extension of commercial mains into unsupplied territory within the corporate limits may be made by means of a water extension district.
(1973 Code, § 3-103) (Ord. 536, passed 9-8-1983; Ord. 714, passed 9-13-2001; Ord. 734, passed 8-5-2004; Ord. 828, passed 8-11-2011; 854, passed 7-12-2012; Ord. 965, passed 5-14-2020)
   (A)   The city shall repair or replace, as the case may be, all supply pipe between the commercial main and the stop box.
   (B)   The customer at his or her own expense shall replace and keep in repair all service pipe from the stop box to the place of dispersement.
   (C)   When leaks occur in service pipes, the Director of Public Works shall shut off water service until the leak is repaired at the expense of the customer to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works.
(1973 Code, § 3-104) Penalty, see § 10.99
   All water consumers shall be liable for the minimum rate provided by resolution unless and until the consumer shall, by written order, direct the Director of Public Works to shut off the water at the stop box, in which case he or she shall not be liable thereafter for water rental until the water is turned on again.
(Neb. RS 17-542) (1973 Code, § 3-105)