Water Department; Generally
51.01 Operation and funding
51.02 Water contract
51.03 Installation expense; fees for water taps
51.04 Repairs and maintenance
51.05 Minimum rates
51.06 Lien
51.07 Single premise
51.08 Restricted use
51.09 Fire hydrants
51.10 Fire suppression
51.11 Pollution
51.12 Destruction of property
51.13 Bonded plumber
51.14 Prohibition of lead pipes, solder, and flux
51.15 Deposit
51.16 (Reserved)
51.17 Connection required
51.18 Water wells
51.19 Bulk water users and rates
Backflow/Backsiphonage Prevention
51.30 Statement of policy
51.31 Definitions
51.32 Cross-connections prohibited
51.33 Survey and investigations
51.34 Where protection is required
51.35 Type of protection required
51.36 Backflow prevention devices
51.37 Installation
51.38 Testing
51.39 Authorized representative; authority
51.40 Appeals
51.41 Violations
51.42 Liability claims
51.43 Customer installation, maintenance, and testing
Drought Emergency Contingency Plan
51.55 Adoption
Appendix A: Water and Wastewater Rates