Article I: Introduction to Using this Code
   150.01   Title
   150.02   Effective date
   150.03   Continuance of existing projects
   150.04   Intent
   150.05   Applicability
   150.06   Invalidity/severability
   150.07   Rules of interpretation
   150.08   Code roadmap
   150.09   Reserved for future use
Article II: District and Zone Regulations
   150.10   Purpose
   150.11   Establishment of zones, districts, and Zoning Map
   150.12   Interpretation of boundaries of zones and districts
   150.13   Defining structure height
   150.14   Defining lot lines
   150.15   Defining lot width
   150.16   Defining lot area and lot coverage
   150.17   Defining setbacks
   150.18   Vision clearance triangle
   150.19   Defining residential density
   150.20   Principal structure
   150.21   Purpose of zones
   150.22   List of zones
   150.23   Low Density Residential Zone (R-1)
   150.24   Medium Density Residential Zone (R-2)
   150.25   Multi-Unit Residential Zone (R-3)
   150.26   Commercial Zone (C)
   150.27   Innovation and Employment Zone (IE)
   150.28   Mixed-Use Neighborhood Zone (MUN)
   150.29   Institutional Zone (I)
   150.30   Agricultural Zone (A-1)
   150.31   Recreational-Conservation Zone (R-C)
   150.32   Purpose of districts
   150.33   List of districts
   150.34   Pedestrian-Residential District (PR)
   150.35   University-Oriented Residential District (UR)
   150.36   Interstate Commerce District (IC)
   150.37   Central Business District (CB)
   150.38   Bowling Green Gateway District (G)
   150.39   Summary table of zone and district regulations
   150.40   Introduction
   150.41   Similar uses
   150.42   Comprehensive use table
   150.43   Specific use regulations
   150.44   Accessory uses
   150.45   Adult entertainment business or sexually oriented business
   150.46   Airport
   150.47   Animal services
   150.48   Automobile fueling station
   150.49   Automobile wrecking, towing, or impounding
   150.50   Bed and breakfast inn
   150.51   Cemetery
   150.52   Corner store
   150.53   Day care center
   150.54   Delivery distribution center
   150.55   Home occupation
   150.56   Indoor sports training facility
   150.57   Mobile home park
   150.58   Mortuary or funeral home
   150.59   Nursing home
   150.60   One-unit dwelling, two-unit dwelling, or multiple-unit dwelling
   150.61   Outdoor storage
   150.62   Recreation club or lodge
   150.63   Scrap yard or junk yard
   150.64   School, vocational training
   150.65   Self-storage
   150.66   Solar panels and wind turbines
   150.67   Telecommunications facilities
   150.68   Temporary storage
   150.69   Trailer, subdivision sales
   150.70   Type A family day-care home
   150.71   Type B family day-care home
Article IV: Generally Applicable Standards
   150.72   Off-street parking
   150.73   Bicycle parking
   150.74   Use of parking areas
   150.75   Loading and unloading facilities
   150.76   Drive-through facilities
   150.77   Solid waste
   150.78   Street trees
   150.79   Fences
   150.80   Buffering
   150.81   Outdoor lighting
   150.82   Sign regulations in all zones and districts
   150.83   Sign types, illustrated
   150.84   Sign regulations table
Article V: Nonconformities
   150.85   Continuation of nonconforming buildings and uses
   150.86   Extension of nonconforming buildings and uses
   150.87   Discontinuance; use ceased
   150.88   Relocating nonconforming improvements and uses
   150.89   Reconstruction of damaged improvements
   150.90   Strengthening and restoring permitted structures and pavement areas
   150.91   Nonconforming signs
Article VI: Administration and Procedures
   150.92   Zoning certificate
   150.93   Conditions under which certificates are required
   150.94   Application and issuance of zoning certificate
   150.95   Zoning certificate for nonconforming uses
   150.96   Plan approval by Utilities Director
   150.97   Zoning certificate application completeness
   150.98   Planning Director duties - powers and duties
   150.99   Planning Director decisions - conditional uses
   150.100   Appeals from the Planning Director
   150.101   Zoning Board of Appeals - powers and duties
   150.102   Zoning Board of Appeals - organization and procedures
   150.103   Zoning Board of Appeals - fees
   150.104   Zoning Board of Appeals - appeals of Planning Director decisions
   150.105   Zoning Board of Appeals - extensions
   150.106   Zoning Board of Appeals - temporary use approvals
   150.107   Zoning Board of Appeals - variances
   150.108   Appeals from the Zoning Board of Appeals
   150.109   Planning Commission
   150.110   Text and map amendments - generally
   150.111   Text and map amendments - procedures
   150.112   Annexation
   150.113   Enforcement and penalties
Article VII: Glossary of Terms