§ 150.112 ANNEXATION.
   After approval of an annexation by the Wood County Board of Commissioners, the Planning Director will examine the existing zoning on the parcel and will present a written report to the Planning Commission as to the zone classification in the city which most nearly corresponds to the present zoning of the parcel. If the parcel is not zoned, the Planning Director will certify to the Commission that zone classification in this chapter that most nearly corresponds to the present use of the parcel. The Planning Commission will consider the Planning Director’s report and, without public hearing, will recommend to Council interim zoning for the parcel which, in the opinion of the Commission, is most consistent with the existing zoning, existing use of the land, or a classification that implements the land use envisioned by the city’s future land use plan. The Planning Commission’s recommendation shall be considered by Council following the procedure set forth for a map amendment herein. The interim zoning established shall remain in effect until amended. The procedure for change in interim zoning to permanent zoning shall be the same as for any district change, but the Planning Commission in considering permanent zoning shall consider all matters, including the wishes of the property owners of the parcel, the orderly development of the area, and the goals established for development in the master plan.
(Ord. 9098, passed 6-12-2023)