   31.01   Regular meetings
   31.02   Special meetings
   31.03   Quorum
   31.04   Order of business
   31.05   Standing committees
   31.06   Committees subject to call
   31.07   Committee report
   31.08   Committee meeting absenteeism
   31.09   Naming and/or renaming of city owned facilities
   31.10   Endorsement on legislation
   31.11   Reference to committee
   31.12   Motions
   31.13   Voting
   31.14   Introduction of legislation
   31.15   Investigation of expenditure or assessment
   31.16   Finance Director certificate on expenditures
   31.17   Vote on special assessment
   31.18   Readings on legislation
   31.19   Amendments
   31.20   Motion to reconsider
   31.21   Franchise, expenditure, or tax levy
   31.22   Enrollment of ordinance
   31.23   Extended unexcused absence from Council
   31.24   Adoption of committee reports
   31.25   Adoption of motions
   31.26   Calling the roll
   31.27   Voting without roll call
   31.28   Final report
   31.29   Motion to adjourn
   31.30   Precedence of motions
   31.31   Finance Director monthly report
   31.32   Duties of Clerk
   31.33   Amendment of rules
   31.34   Suspension of rules
   31.35   Parliamentary rules applicable
   31.36   Term and compensation of Clerk
   31.37   Salary and duties of Councilpersons
   31.38   Civility and rules of decorum at public meetings
Charter reference:
   Rules and journal of Council, see Charter, § 2.07