147.01 Fairness in Village employment; qualifications; oaths of officials.
147.02 Bonds.
147.03 Work week; overtime; compensatory time.
147.04 Holidays.
147.05 Vacations.
147.06 Sick leave; unpaid medical leave.
147.07 Election day.
147.08 Pay period.
147.09 Jury duty.
147.10 Seniority; leave of absence.
147.11 Travel policy.
147.12 Logging fuel consumption. (Repealed)
147.13 Periodic examination.
147.14 Bereavement leave.
147.15 Call back pay.
147.16 Employee use of Village credit and purchase cards.
147.17 Procedure for dismissal or suspension of a Village employee.
147.18 Substance Abuse Prevention Policy.
Welfare - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 34
Workers' compensation - see Ohio Const. Art. II, Sec. 35; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4123
Wages and hours on public works - see Ohio Const. Art. II, Sec. 37; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4115
Deductions for dues and savings - see Ohio R.C. 9.41, 9.43
Deductions for municipal income tax - see Ohio R.C. 9.42
Public Employees Retirement System - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 145
Expenses for attendance at conference or convention - see Ohio R.C. 733.79
Application to police and fire personnel - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.10, 737.11
(a) Fairness in Village Employment.
(1) In the interest of providing proper and reasonable protection against the negative aspects of nepotism the following prohibitions are established.
(2) As used in this section, “relative” shall be defined as spouse, sister, brother, child, parent, half-sister, half-brother, step-child, step-parent, step- sister, step-brother, grandparent, grandchild, regardless of where they reside. It shall also include any other person related by blood or by marriage and living in the same household.
(3) No person shall be eligible for employment, other than seasonal employment, if the person is a relative of an elected official or a supervisor within the same department.
(4) This section shall govern only those seeking village employment after the effective date of this section and does not prohibit the continued employment by the village of any person who holds village employment on or before the effective date of this section. This section also does not prohibit the continued employment by the village of a person employed by the village prior to the election of an elected official who is related to the employee.
(5) “Village Employment” for the purposes of this section shall be defined as any position for which the Village Fiscal Officer issues payment of compensation.
(6) Any person hired, after its effective date, in violation of this section shall be immediately terminated.
(7) No person shall have direct supervisory responsibility over a relative unless such supervisory responsibility, placement and family relationship existed prior to the passage of this regulation.
(8) No person shall be eligible for promotion if such promotion creates supervisory responsibility over a relative.
(9) Administrative and supervisory personnel at all levels are responsible for reviewing any future employee selections and placements in their areas and complying with the intent of this policy.
(Ord. 13-2009. Passed 11-11-09.)
(b) Qualifications; Oath of Officials. Each officer of the corporation, or of any department or board thereof, whether elected or appointed as a substitute for a regular officer, shall be an elector of the corporation, except as otherwise expressly provided, and before entering upon his official duties shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Ohio, and an oath that he will be faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge the duties of the office. Such provisions as to official oaths shall extend to deputies, but they need not be electors.
(a) Pursuant to the authority granted Council in Ohio R.C. 731.13, the following officers and no others shall execute the following officers and no others shall execute the following individual bonds. These individual bonds shall supersede and take effect over and above any bonds already executed by these individuals and shall be in not less than the penal amount set forth opposite the title of their respective offices.
Fiscal Officer | $25,000.00 |
Clerk of Mayor’s Court | $10,000.00 |
(Ord. 2016-9-16. Passed 10-11-16.)
(b) Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3.06, all other officers, elected officials and employees of the Village may be covered by a blanket bond purchased by the Village in the penal amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per person indemnifying the Village against loss occasioned by the failure of the officers and employees of the Village to faithfully perform their respective duties and against loss occasioned by the embezzlement or any other dishonest act by officers or employees of the Village.
(c) Each bond authorized by this section, upon its approval, shall be delivered to the Fiscal Officer who shall immediately record it in a record provided for that purpose, and file the same to preserve it in his or her office. The surety on each bond must be approved by the Mayor.
(Ord. 13-1998. Passed 6-10-98.)
(Ord. 13-1998. Passed 6-10-98.)
(a) Standard Work Week. The standard work week for full-time employee shall be forty hours beginning Monday 12:01 a.m. and ending Sunday at 12:00 p.m.
(1) Compensation shall be paid in fifteen (15) minute increments.
(2) All time cards shall reflect the actual start and end time of the hours worked.
(3) All start and end times shall be rounded to the nearest fifteen (15) minute increment for the purposes of payroll.
(b) Overtime Work.
(1) Unless otherwise prohibited in this Section, the Village's Codified Ordinances, or the Village's Employee Handbook, members of the Village work force, who work a forty-(40) hour work week, which includes the Chief of Police but not the full-time and part-time police officers, shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's wage rate for hours worked in excess of the standard forty (40) hour work week.
(2) Unless otherwise prohibited in this Section, the Village's Codified Ordinances, or the Village's Employee Handbook, full-time and part-time members of the Police Department shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's wage rate for hours worked in excess of eighty-four (84) hours in the standard two-(2) week pay period. For purposes of determining overtime hours of full-time members of the Police Department, the fourteen (14) day period commences Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends fourteen (14) days later at 12:00 p.m. Sunday.
(3) Overtime work shall be performed and compensated for only when authorized by:
A. The Police Chief and Mayor for members of the Police Department;
B. The Road Superintendent and Mayor for Service Department personnel; and,
C. The Mayor for the Fiscal Officer, Mayor's Clerk, Clerk of Court, Office Administrator, Chief of Police, and Road Superintendent.
Unless otherwise provided for in the Village Codified Ordinances or Employee Handbook, paid holidays, sick days, vacation days, and bereavement days will be paid at the employee's normal hourly rate.
(4) No employee, department head or supervisor shall schedule or permit an employee to work overtime without the prior approval of the Mayor, or in his or her absence, the President Pro Tempore of Council.
(5) Unless otherwise provided in the Village of Boston Heights Codified Ordinances or Employee Handbook, to be paid overtime, all Employee shall work all hours up to and in excess of the forty (40) hours in a work week. Employees are not entitled to receive overtime for using either vacation, bereavement, or sick time.
(6) Unless otherwise provided in the Village of Boston Heights Codified Ordinances or Employee Handbook, to be paid overtime, all full-time non-exempt law enforcement officers shall work all hours up to and in excess of eighty-four (84) hours in the two (2) week pay period. Full-time non-exempt law enforcement officers who elect to take vacation, bereavement, or sick time shall not be paid overtime for the hours taken.
(7) Unless otherwise provided in the Village of Boston Heights Codified Ordinances or Employee Handbook, Village employee are not entitled to overtime for using paid time off.
(Ord. 2022-12-17. Passed 12-13-22.)