147.09 JURY DUTY.
   (a)   All full-time employees of the Village shall be paid at the regular rate of pay for any days they are summoned to Court for Petit Jury service. Any employee who serves on a Petit Jury or is summoned for Petit Jury duty shall provide his or her superior or the Fiscal Officer with appropriate documentation from the Court where he or she served or was summoned for duty showing that he or she did actually attend Court that day as a result of being called for Petit Jury service.
   (b)   The employee shall not be required to reimburse the Municipality for any fees received as a result of being summoned for Petit Jury service. The benefits that accrue for working for the Village such as sick time and vacation time shall accrue during the days that a person is summoned for Petit Jury duty.
(Ord. 18-1986. Passed 4-9-86.)