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   The following regulations and the “Supplementary Regulations” of Section 175.29 shall apply in the R-3 Multi-Family Residential District.
   1.   Uses Permitted. Only those uses listed specifically, or by reference or by description, are deemed permitted uses; all others are deemed not permitted in this district.
      A.   One-family dwellings.
      B.   Two-family dwellings.
      C.   Apartment buildings, town houses, row dwellings and multiplex homes consisting of not more than six (6) horizontal jointed units in any single structure. Development of uses in this item shall be in accordance with the provisions of subsection 9 of this section.
      D.   Churches, other places of worship, and accessory buildings.
      E.   Governmental uses including library, park, playground, community center, offices and garage.
      F.   Private or semi-public parks, golf courses, country clubs, tennis courts, swimming pools and similar recreational uses, not operated primarily as a commercial use.
      G.   Public, parochial and private schools.
      H.   Social or cultural use serving a community need or convenience, not carried on primarily for profit, and including clubs, lodges, fraternities, other service groups in accordance with the provisions of Section 175.29(11).
      I.   Railroad right-of-ways and trackage, public utility distribution lines and sub-stations serving a local area.
      J.   Accessory buildings and uses as provided and regulated herein.
      K.   Individual or collective private water supply and sewage facilities.
      L.   Storage of auto trailers, unoccupied mobile homes, camping trailers or boats provided same are not stored within front yard of any lot on which a main building is located, or if on a vacant lot to be shielded from view of the adjacent lots by a six-foot (6¢) high, solid type fence or other equal screening.
      M.   Nursery schools, child care nurseries.
      N.   Customary home occupations such as handicraft, dressmaking, millinery, laundering, preserving and home cooking, provided that such occupations are conducted solely by resident occupants in their place of abode and provided that no more than one-quarter (¼) of the area of one floor shall be used for such purpose, and provided further that such occupation does not require external or internal alterations or the use of mechanical equipment not customary in dwellings.
      O.   Small personal service shops such as beauty parlor, barber shop, photography, music, dancing or art studios, appliance or tool repair, office machines repair, upholstery shop, or bicycle repair, provided the same is conducted within a fully enclosed structure and that the total floor area devoted to any one or combination of uses does not exceed 500 square feet. The primary owner/operator of said business shall be the resident of the property. Any other use request shall be made to the Commission for review, after which the Commission will make its recommendation to the Council for the Council to approve or disapprove.
      P.   Boarding and rooming houses.
      Q.   Bed and breakfast homes. A private residence which provides lodging and meals for guests, in which the host or hostess resides and in which no more than four guest families are lodged at the same time. The facility may serve food to overnight guests or groups not to exceed 20 individuals in each group, by reservation only. The facility can advertise as a bed and breakfast home as well as being available to serve groups by reservation only, but may not advertise as a hotel, motel or restaurant. All guest rooms must have an operable smoke detector. There shall be one off-street parking space per guest room and a minimum of one off-street parking space for every four people if food will be served to groups. These shall be in addition to two off-street parking spaces for the owner.
      R.   Family home.
   2.   Building Height Limit. For one- and two-family dwellings: 2½ stories, but not exceeding 35 feet in height; for multiple dwellings: 45 feet except that for each one foot that such building is set back beyond the required yards, one foot may be added to the height, but not to exceed a maximum height of 65 feet; for dwelling groups, refer to subsection 9 of this section.
   3.   Minimum Lot Area. 7,000 square feet for each one-family dwelling, 8,000 square feet for each two-family dwelling, and an additional 2,500 square feet for each additional unit over two (2) units in one- or two-story multiple dwellings or an additional 2,000 square feet for each additional unit over two (2) units in dwellings of three (3) stories or more; and not less than 12,000 square feet for any other permitted use; however, where public sewer and water facilities are not available, not less than 20,000 square feet for one- and two-family dwellings, not less than 80,000 square feet for any multiple dwelling, not less than 20,000 square feet for any other permitted use.
   4.   Minimum Lot Width. For one- and two-family dwellings, 60 feet; for multiple dwellings, 100 feet; for any other permitted use, 70 feet.
   5.   Minimum Front Yard Depth. For one- and two-family dwellings, 30 feet. When fronting on the right-of-way of a City primary or arterial street, as designated by the City Council, the front yard shall be at least 40 feet. For multiple dwellings, 40 feet.
   6.   Minimum Side Yard Width (Each Side). 9 feet for a one- or two-family dwelling, 15 feet for 1-, 2- or 2½-story multiple dwellings or other main buildings; 25 feet for multiple dwellings of three or more stories.
   7.   Minimum Rear Yard Depth. 30 feet for a dwelling and 45 feet for any other building.
   8.   Off-Street Parking. In accordance with Section 175.28.
   9.   Apartment, Town House and Other Multi-Family Dwellings.
      A.   Any proposed street, whether to be offered for public dedication or not, or whether to be part of a proposed subdivision or not, shall be laid out and improved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 177 of this Code of Ordinances.
      B.   All driveways and off-street parking areas shall be suitably graded and improved to provide a dust-free and well-drained parking surface. Suitable markings or signs shall be provided to indicate parking spaces, aisles, entrances and exits.
      C.   All buildings shall be served by a water supply and a sanitary sewer system satisfactory to and approved by the Council.
      D.   All development shall be in accordance with a site plan as approved by the Council, after review and recommendation by the Commission. The approved plan, and any conditions or modifications attached thereto, shall be filed with the Building Inspector.
   10.   Site Plan Required.
      A.   To assure that the layout and location of proposed buildings will be in conformity with the purposes and standards set forth for the District, a site plan shall be submitted for developments of six (6) living units or more, showing the proposed use and development of the site for approval by the Council after review and recommendation by the Commission. The site plan shall have scale accuracy and shall show the following:
         (1)   Location, use and height of buildings.
         (2)   Location and improvement of parking areas.
         (3)   Location, improvement and grade of all access driveways.
         (4)   Location of all existing and proposed underground utility lines and appurtenant structures.
         (5)   Layout, dimensions and markings for parking spaces.
         (6)   Locations and improvements of sidewalks, location and markings of all pedestrian ways within parking area.
      B.   To orient the site plan properly to adjacent properties and uses and to the physical features of the site, the accompanying information shall be submitted. The applicant may choose to show this information on the site plan or on a separate map:
         (1)   Area map showing all properties, streets, easements, streams, etc., within 200 feet of boundaries of site.
         (2)   Topography or selected elevation points to show existing grades and proposed final grades or elevations of buildings.
   11.   Construction Requirements. The facing material of the exterior of the front of any building, other than residential or accessory, must be constructed of the equivalent of at least 30% of the entire outside wall surface with a clay masonry material or approved equal. If the 30% requirement is not met by constructing the front facing with masonry or an equivalent, then the remainder must be placed on the remaining three walls. The clay masonry or equivalent shall be stone, finished face precast concrete, ceramic tile or others approved by the Commission. The outside wall surface shall be measured from the cave or coping line to the grade line. In the event a dispute arises as to which wall constitutes the front of the building, the decision shall be made solely by the Commission by considering what the general public would regard as the front of the building. Where the main entrance to the building is located and the address side shall be only two factors in making this determination. If the building is bordered on more than one side by public right-of-way, and has more than one entrance, the Commission shall make the final determination as to which side will have the required masonry material.