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   1.   Off-Street Parking Area Required. In any district, except the C-3 District designated as the “Central Business Area” on the zoning map, in connection with every permitted use, off-street parking area for vehicles of occupants, patrons, or employees of such use shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:
      A.   Automobile sales and automotive service garages – 50 percent of gross floor area.
      B.   Banks, business and professional offices – 75 percent of gross floor area.
      C.   Bowling alleys – 5 parking spaces for each alley.
      D.   Churches and schools – 1 space for every 6 seats in a principal auditorium; when no auditorium is involved, 1 space for every 2 employees.
      E.   Dance halls, assembly halls - 200% of floor area used for dancing or assembly.
      F.   Dwelling – one- and two-family dwelling units – 2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit; multi-family dwelling units – 1½ spaces per bedroom; elderly and handicapped housing units – 1 space per unit. “Elderly housing” is defined as housing that is available to those 55 years of age and older. However, no person shall park any vehicles in the front yard adjoining a dwelling or residence and must park on a driveway or parking area constructed pursuant to a properly issued building or zoning permit. If the driveway cannot hold all of the vehicles necessary, then they must be parked on the street. In the event there is a special function at a residence or dwelling, vehicles may be parked in the front yard for a period of not to exceed 24 hours in any 7-day period. Parking of vehicles in side yards or back yards is permitted, but only under specific regulations set forth in this code.
      G.   Funeral homes, mortuaries – 1 parking space for each 5 seats in the principal auditorium, with at least 10 spaces to be provided.
      H.   Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment or furniture repair shops having over 1,000 square feet of floor area – 50% of floor area.
      I.   Hospitals – 1 space for every 2 beds.
      J.   Hotels, lodging houses – 1 space for each bedroom.
      K.   Manufacturing plants – 1 space for every 2 employees on the maximum working shift.
      L.   Restaurant, bar, or night club having over 1,000 square feet floor area – 250% of floor area; under 1,000 square feet, a minimum of 10 spaces.
      M.   Retail stores, supermarkets, etc., having over 2,000 square feet floor area – 300% of floor area.
      N.   Retail stores, shops, etc., under 2,000 square feet floor area – 100% of floor area.
      O.   Sports arenas, commercial auditoriums – 1 parking space for each 4 seats, theaters, or other assembly halls with fixed seats – 1 parking space for each 4 seats.
      P.   Wholesale establishments or warehouses – 1 parking space for every 2 employees.
      Q.   Drive-in windows at banks, offices, restaurants, or retail stores – stacking spaces within the site for at least 5 cars before windows.
      R.   Gasoline filling station – 4 spaces in addition to spaces at pumps.
Reasonable and appropriate off-street parking requirements for structures and land uses which do not fall within the categories listed above shall be determined in each case by the Council after recommendation by the Commission, which shall consider all factors entering into the parking needs of each such use. Where two or more different uses occur on a single lot, the total amount of parking area to be provided shall be the sum of the requirements for each individual use on the lot, except that the Council may approve the joint use of parking area by two or more establishments on the same or on contiguous lots, the total capacity of which parking area is less than the sum of the area required for each, provided said Council finds that the capacity to be provided will substantially meet the intent of the requirements by reason of variation in the probable time of maximum use by patrons or employees among such uses.
   2.   Off-Street Loading Spaces Required. In any district, except the C-3 district designated as the “Central Business Area” on the zoning map, in connection with every building or part thereof hereafter erected having a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or more and which is to be occupied by manufacturing, storage, warehouse, goods, display, retail store, wholesale store, market, hotel, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning or other uses similarly requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the same lot with such building at least one off-street loading space plus one additional such loading space for each 20,000 square feet or major fraction thereof of gross floor area so used in excess of the first 10,000 square feet. Each loading space shall be not less than 10 feet in width, and 25 feet in length, and such space may occupy all or any part of any required yard or court.
   3.   Location and Improvement of Parking Areas.
      A.   Required off-street parking areas shall be provided on the same lot or premises with the structures or land use they serve except that parking areas serving business and industrial uses may be established in an adjoining residence district, including across an alley, but such parking area shall not extend more than 100 feet inside the boundary of any residence district.
      B.   Off-street parking areas for business and industrial uses shall be improved with bituminous or concrete surfacing; all other permitted uses shall have at least a graveled or crushed stone surfacing. Parking areas shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the parking area. Wheel guards or bumper guards as may be necessary shall be provided in connection with any off-street parking area of five (5) parking spaces or more to contain cars within the boundaries of the parking area and to prevent the bumpers of cars from projecting over sidewalks or property lines.
      C.   Parking areas shall be so laid out as to avoid broad expanses of parking and the inherent safety hazards which such large parking areas have, unless properly delineated with traffic islands, pedestrian ways, or landscaped areas. A combination of signs and suitable markings on the parking surface shall be provided to indicate individual parking spaces, directions of traffic flow, parcel pick-up areas and entrances and exits.