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   The following regulations and the “Supplementary Regulations” of Section 175.29 shall apply in the M-1 District.
   1.   Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of selected commercial uses, office and light industrial uses that will be so located and planned as to constitute a well-designed, convenient, and appropriate part of the physical development of the City, encourage sound expansion of the economic base of the City, and otherwise further the general zoning purposes set forth in Section 175.03 of this chapter. This section includes special architectural and site development requirements.
   2.   Permitted Uses.
      A.   Eating places, restaurant, tavern or any other place serving food or beverages provided same is conducted within a fully enclosed building.
      B.   Places of amusement or recreation provided all such activity is carried on inside a fully enclosed building, but including places where food and beverages are served to patrons in parked automobiles.
      C.   Gasoline filling station, automobile sales lot, mobile home sales lot, automobile washing facility.
      D.   Cabinet making or carpenter shops; plumbing, heating, ventilating or air conditioning supply shops; electrical shop; printing, binding or publishing shop or firm; tinsmith, sheet metal or ornamental iron shop but not including heavy structural iron or steel fabricating shop; or similar commercial shop not primarily manufacturing in nature.
      E.   Bottling works, automobile body repairs, cleaning and dyeing plant, processing of dairy or egg products, frozen food lockers, laundry, or other similar commercial service not primarily manufacturing in nature.
      F.   Wholesale and storage uses conducted entirely within a building but not including outdoor storage of fuel or other combustible material.
      G.   Manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as, but not limited to, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, food products except fish, sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast, refining of fats and oils or other similar high odor level activity.
      H.   Manufacture, compounding, assembling, or treatment of articles or merchandise from certain natural or previously prepared base materials such as, but not limited to, cloth, cellophane, cork, felt, fiber, glass, leather, paper, plastics, metals or stones, shell, wax, yarns and wood, but excluding heavy manufacturing, assembling or treatment using these materials such as a large metal stamping mill, large structural steel fabricator, saw or planing mill, or other similar high noise level activity.
      I.   Manufacture of pottery or other ceramic products using only previously prepared clay, and kilns fired only by electric or gas heat sources.
      J.   Manufacture, processing, or assembling of hardware and cutlery, novelties and gadgets, electrical appliances and products, electronic devices and products, professional and musical instruments, business machines.
      K.   Tool, die, gauge and other small product oriented machine shops.
      L.   Research laboratory; experimental, product development and testing, engineering development, or similar research oriented facility.
      M.   Administrative offices, motel.
      N.   Off-street parking and loading areas.
      O.   Any accessory building customarily incidental and subordinate to one of the above main uses.
      P.   No dwelling or dwelling unit is permitted except those for employees having duties in connection with any premises requiring them to live on said premises, including families of such employees when living with them.
   3.   Building Height Limit. For any permitted use, a main building shall not exceed 45 feet in height, except that for each one foot that the nearest portion of the building is set back beyond the required front, side and rear yards, one foot may be added to the height limit of such buildings or portion thereof, provided that no building shall exceed 90 feet in height; for any accessory building, 16 feet.
   4.   Minimum Lot Area. For any permitted use, no minimum.
   5.   Minimum Lot Width. For any permitted use, no minimum.
   6.   Minimum Front Yard Depth. For any permitted use, 25 feet.
   7.   Minimum Side Yard Width (Each Side). For any permitted use, 15 feet, plus 1 foot for each 2 feet in height above 30 feet.
   8.   Minimum Rear Yard Depth. For any permitted use, 15 feet, plus 1 foot for each 2 feet in height above 30 feet.
   9.   Off-Street Parking. In accordance with Section 175.28, except that the Council may increase or decrease the parking requirements by not more than 25 percent where the amount of vehicular traffic and/or number of customers or employees to a particular site or use warrants an increase or decrease in the amount of off-street parking spaces from the normal requirement as set forth.
   10.   Other Standards. Uses to be developed along the lot or project boundary lines shall not be in conflict with existing uses on adjacent or opposite properties. To this end the City may require that uses of least intensity, increased yard space, or buffer screening or fencing be located nearest the borders of the lot or project with said existing uses. Suitable screening or landscaping shall be provided along all adjacent residence boundaries to protect said properties from increased noise, glare of lighting, or other similar nuisance from the adjacent business or industrial use.
   11.   Site Plan Required. To assure that the layout and location of proposed commercial, office or light industrial uses in any M-1 Planned District will be in conformity with the purposes and standards set forth for M-1 District, a site plan shall be submitted showing the proposed use and development of the site for approval by the Council after review and recommendation by the Commission. The site plan shall have scale accuracy and shall show the following:
      A.   Location, use, and height of buildings.
      B.   Location and improvement of parking and loading areas.
      C.   Location, improvement and grade of all access driveways.
      D.   Location of all existing and proposed underground utility lines and appurtenant structures.
      E.   Layout, dimensions and markings for parking spaces.
      F.   Location and improvement of sidewalks, location and markings of all pedestrian ways within parking area.
      G.   Location and size of all outdoor signs.
To properly orient the site plan to adjacent properties and uses and to the physical features of the site, the accompanying information shall be submitted. The applicant may choose to show this information on the site plan or on a separate map: (a) area map showing all properties, streets, easements, streams etc. within 200 feet of boundaries of site; (b) topography or selected elevation points to show existing grades, and proposed final grades or elevations of buildings.
   12.   Construction Requirements.
      A.   Landscaping of a site may be required including the use and approval of planting materials used on the site. The vegetation initially planted must be nurtured and all dead stock regularly replaced.
      B.   Around loading areas, material holding, and/or assembly or processing areas, a sight tight durable fence or wall must be provided.
      C.   Around refuse holding locations a sight tight enclosure that will also prevent scattering of refuse, shall be provided.
      D.   The exterior of the front of a building must be constructed of at least 30% outside facing material of a clay masonry material or approved equal. In the event a dispute arises as to which wall constitutes the front of the building, the decision shall be made solely by the Commission by considering what the general public would regard as the front of the building. Where the main entrance to the building is located and the address side shall be only two factors in making this determination. If the building is bordered on more than one side by public right-of-way, and has more than one entrance, the Commission shall make the final determination as to which side will have the required masonry material.