The purpose statements for each zone and map designation set forth in the following sections shall be used to guide the application of the zones and designations to all lands in unincorporated Bonner County. The purpose statements also shall guide interpretation and application of land use regulations within the zones and designations, and any changes to the range of permitted uses within each zone through amendments to this title. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
In accordance with the provisions of Idaho Code and the objectives set forth in this code, all land in the unincorporated areas of Bonner County is hereby classified according to the following zoning designations and zoning map symbols, which shall be applied as shown on the official zoning district map:
Zoning Designation | Map Symbol |
Zoning Designation | Map Symbol |
Forestry | F |
Agricultural/forestry | A/F-10, A/F-20 (10 or 20 acre minimum lot sizes) |
Rural | R-5, R-10 (5 or 10 acre minimum lot sizes) |
Suburban | S |
Commercial | C |
Industrial | I |
Rural service center | RSC |
Recreation | REC |
Alpine village | AV |
(Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
A. The forestry district is established to preserve the forest land base; to conserve and protect the long term productivity of forest lands; and to restrict uses unrelated to or incompatible with forestry. These purposes are accomplished by:
1. Applying the F zone to large contiguous areas where a combination of site, soil and climatic characteristics make it possible to sustain timber growth and harvests over time.
2. Limiting residential, recreational, commercial and industrial uses to those uses that are compatible with forestry, to minimize the potential hazards of damage from fire, pollution and land use conflicts.
3. Providing for compatible outdoor recreation uses and for conservation and protection of municipal watersheds and fish and wildlife habitats.
B. Use of this zone is appropriate in areas designated as remote ag/forest land in the comprehensive plan. The remote agricultural/forest land is located on mountaintops and remote areas of the county where few or no access roads have been constructed. Included in these areas are most of the state and federal lands, which are managed for forest production or recreation. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
A. The agricultural/forestry district is established to provide for agricultural and forestry pursuits, including livestock production, forestry, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, and necessary accessory uses for treating, storing and processing agricultural products. The purpose of the A/F district is to preserve, protect and maintain areas that are rural in character and the integrity of the forest/woodland areas where viable agricultural pursuits can be feasible and to avoid fragmentation of forests and farms. These purposes are accomplished by:
1. Establishing residential density limits and conservation development standards to retain areas sized for efficient farming.
2. Allowing for uses related to agricultural production and limiting nonagricultural uses to those compatible with agriculture, or requiring close proximity for the support of agriculture.
B. Use of this zone is appropriate in areas designated by the comprehensive plan as follows:
1. A/F-20 in all areas designated as prime ag/forest land in the comprehensive plan. The A/F-20 zone is also appropriate in areas designated ag/forest land in the comprehensive plan that also feature:
a. Prime agricultural soils.
b. Are characterized by agricultural or forestry uses.
c. Areas where one or more of the following apply: limited services; characterized by slopes steeper than thirty percent (30%); where access may be absent or limited to substandard road systems or where large tracts of land may be devoted to ag/forest production.
2. A/F-10 in areas designated as ag/forest land in the comprehensive plan that do not feature prime agricultural soils, but where agricultural and forestry pursuits remain viable. These areas may be within or adjacent to areas of city impact or where lands are afforded fire protection, access to standard roads and other services. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
A. The rural district is established to allow low density residential uses that are compatible with rural pursuits. The purpose can be accomplished by:
1. Limiting residential densities and permitted uses to those that are compatible with rural character and nearby resource production districts and sites and can be adequately supported by rural service levels.
2. Allowing small scale farming and forestry activities, and tourism and recreation uses that can be supported by rural service levels and are compatible with rural character.
3. Encouraging conservation development configurations that create permanent open space or farming areas, protect sensitive environmental features, reduce infrastructure costs and/or enhance recreational opportunities.
B. Use of this zone is appropriate in areas designated by the comprehensive plan as follows:
1. R-10 in areas designated as rural residential in the comprehensive plan that meet one or more of the following criteria:
a. Characterized by slopes that are steeper than thirty percent (30%).
b. Located within critical wildlife habitat as identified by federal, state or local agencies.
c. Contain prime agricultural soils.
d. Served by a network of public and/or private roadways that generally do not meet applicable roadway standards set forth in title 2 (public roads) of this code or appendix A (private roads) of this title or are absent.
e. Within the floodway.
f. Contain limited access to public services.
2. R-5 in areas designated rural residential in the comprehensive plan that are already developed at or near the one dwelling unit per five (5) acre density and/or do not meet the criteria for R-10 above. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)
A. The suburban district is established to promote the development of residential uses located on the edges of the incorporated cities or other developed communities or areas, where urban sewer and water services are either available or have the potential to become available in the near future by reason of their inclusion in service districts, city service areas, or are adjacent to those areas or areas of city impact. Access to primary transportation routes and a system of hard surfaced roads are expected. The purpose can be accomplished by:
1. Providing for single-family detached dwelling units and other compatible housing forms, with a variety of densities in locations appropriate for urban densities.
2. Allowing only those accessory and complementary nonresidential uses that are compatible with urban residential communities.
3. Establishing density designations to facilitate advanced areawide planning for public facilities and services, and to protect environmentally sensitive sites from over development.
4. Encouraging conservation development configurations that create permanent open space, protect sensitive environmental features, reduce infrastructure costs and/or enhance recreational opportunities.
5. Requiring conservation development configurations in areas where all urban services are not available to provide the opportunity in the future to subdivide the land at urban densities.
B. Use of this zone is appropriate in areas designated by the comprehensive plan as transition, urban growth area, resort community or suburban growth area in the comprehensive plan where a network of hard surfaced roads provides good access to primary transportation routes or potential public transportation systems. Urban services may not be available immediately, but are capable of being extended or constructed in the area. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)