Subchapter 2.1 - Title Amendments, Comprehensive Plan Amendments And Zone Changes
12-210: Purpose
12-211: General
12-212: Applications, Applicants For Amendment To Zoning Or Comprehensive Plan Map
12-213: Applications, Applicants For Amendments To This Title
12-214: Procedures For Amendments To This Title
12-215: Applications For Zone Changes And Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments, Contents
12-216: Evaluation Of Amendment Proposals
12-217: Public Hearings, Notice Of
Subchapter 2.2 - Conditional Use Permits
12-220: Purpose
12-221: General Provisions
12-222: Application, Contents
12-223: Conditional Use Permits, Standards For Review Of Applications, Procedures
12-224: Public Hearings And Notices
12-225: Approval, Disapproval, Appeal Of Decision
12-226: Conditional Use Permits, Conditions, Expiration, Revocation
Subchapter 2.3 - Variances
12-231: Purpose
12-232: General Provisions
12-233: Application, Contents
12-234: Variances, Standards For Review Of Applications
12-235: Public Hearing And Notices
12-236: Approval, Disapproval; Appeal Of Decision
12-237: Reserved
12-238: Administrative Variances
Subchapter 2.4 - Special Use Permits
12-240: Purpose
12-241: Applicability
12-242: General Provisions
12-243: Duration Of Permit
12-244: Application For Special Use Permit
12-245: Standards For Review Of Special Use Permits
12-246: Conditions May Be Attached, Special Use Permits
12-247: Procedure For Review Of Special Use Permit
Subchapter 2.5 - Planned Unit Developments (PUD)
12-250: Purpose
12-250.1: Districts Permitting Planned Unit Developments
12-251: Planned Unit Development Classification And Minimums
12-252: Uses Permitted Within Planned Unit Developments
12-253.1: Planned Unit Development Application Requirements
12-253.2: Preapplication Meeting
12-253.3: Concurrent Processing Of Planned Unit Development And Subdivision Applications
12-254: "Large Scale" PUD, General Provisions
12-255: Procedure For Approval Of Planned Unit Developments
12-256: Design Standards For Planned Unit Developments
12-257: Standards For Review Of Applications For Planned Unit Developments
12-258: Expiration And Extension Of Planned Unit Development Approval
Subchapter 2.6 - Abandonments, Appeals, Complaints, Exceptions, Fees, Modifications, Public Hearings, Application Processing
12-260: Abandonment Of Application
12-261: Administrative Appeals
12-262: Appeals From Final Decision Of Commission/Hearing Examiner
12-263: Reconsideration
12-264: Administrative Exceptions
12-265: Schedule Of Fees
12-266: Modification Of Terms And Conditions Of Permit Approval
12-266.1: Extension Of Expiration Date
12-267: Public Hearings
12-268: Application Process, General Provisions