A. Trunk Connection Fees:
1. A trunk connection fee shall be imposed upon every person initiating sewer service, changing use of a property already connected to sewer, or increasing the discharge levels of flow. The fee shall be based on values typical of the discharger category, unless otherwise addressed by separate contract.
2. Fees for a change in use or an increase in discharge levels are calculated on an incremental basis as described in subsection F of this section.
B. Treatment Connection Fees: A treatment connection fee shall be imposed upon every person initiating sewer service, changing use of a property already connected to sewer, or increasing the discharge levels of flow, BOD, TSS, NH3-N, or TP. The fee shall be based upon flow, BOD, TSS, NH3-N, or TP values typical of the discharger category, unless otherwise addressed by separate contract. Fees for a change in use or an increase in discharge levels are calculated on an incremental basis as described in subsection F of this section.
C. Equivalent Assessment Fees: Any person initiating sewer service with the City sewer system who has not otherwise paid for, or contributed proportionately toward, the costs and expenses of constructing a sewer adjacent to or passing through the property, whether that be by the City, a local improvement district, or a private developer, and who subsequently desires to connect to the sewer system, shall be required to pay an additional connection (equivalent assessment) fee computed as follows, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Commission:
1. For lots up to eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area, the fee shall be calculated on the basis of the area of the lot;
2. For single-family flag lots whose area within one hundred twenty five feet (125') of the assessable frontage is less than six thousand (6,000) square feet, or lots with no assessable frontage, a minimum equivalent assessment will be calculated based on a lot of less than six thousand (6,000) square feet;
3. For lots greater than eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area, the fee shall be calculated on the basis of the area of the lot fronting the sewer within one hundred twenty five feet (125') of the frontage. However, in no case shall the assessment be less than that for a lot of eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area;
4. For single-family lots in excess of eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area, the frontage for the property shall only be assessed on the side of the property for which the sewer service is being provided. For all other uses, the assessed frontage shall be calculated on each side of the lot in which sewer is fronting the property, unless otherwise waived by the Public Works Commission. However, in no case shall the assessment be less than that for a lot of forty three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet in area;
5. Large lots which can legally be further subdivided in the future, and which are not fully utilized by the existing development, will only be charged for the improved area and/or logical boundary of future subdivision/development, with a minimum equivalent assessment fee equal for a lot of forty three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet;
6. For large lots over two (2) acres in size, which front two (2) or more streets and can legally be subdivided in the future, the fee shall be calculated on the average street frontage basis using the area of the lot fronting the sewer within one hundred twenty five feet (125') of the frontage. For example, a lot with frontage on two (2) streets will have the entire area within one hundred twenty five feet (125') of the frontage calculated and this area divided by two (2) to determine the average street frontage in square feet. However, in no case shall the assessment be less than that for a lot of eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area;
7. The equivalent assessment fee may be adjusted to reflect the benefit received by large, open space lots which have a low impact on the sewer system or other criteria as determined by the Public Works Commission. When the equivalent assessment fees for these properties create undue hardship, or fees for such properties are inequitable in the consideration of the Public Works Commission, the equivalent assessment fee shall be calculated on single-family dwelling equivalents. The fee for properties complying with all the above criteria shall be calculated by multiplying the number of single-family dwelling equivalents (SFDEs), based on fixture unit count, by the equivalent assessment amount for a lot of forty three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet. The total equivalent assessment shall not be less than the assessment for a lot of eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet.
D. New Development Eight Inch Equivalency:
1. For sewers constructed outside of a public right-of-way, an eight inch (8") equivalency fee shall be charged, based upon any or all of the following:
a. Relevant actual construction, engineering and inspection costs for other sewers constructed by the developer within the development;
b. The actual construction and engineering costs of the sewer on which the assessment is due, updated by Engineering News Record construction cost index; or
c. Any other relevant factors that may affect the amount of the assessment.
2. This fee shall be in addition to any other applicable assessment fee and may be reduced by the Public Works Department to reflect additional costs incurred by the developer to upgrade the sewer to current standards.
E. Public Service Line Fee: A fee shall be charged for each public service line provided by the City, based on the size of the service line.
F. Change Of Use: Any person changing use of a property already connected to sewer, or increasing the discharge levels of flow, BOD, TSS, NH3-N, or TP shall pay trunk and treatment fees. These fees will be based on the difference in flows and waste strengths applicable to the property change in use, or increased levels of discharge, less the flows and waste strengths applicable to the most intensive original sewer use at the property within the past ten (10) years. If for example, a single-family residence served by sewer is demolished and replaced with a restaurant, the fees will be based on the difference between the typical flows and waste strengths for a restaurant and typical flows and waste strengths for a residence.
G. Prepayment Of Connection Fees: Any owner of an existing single-family residence within the City and the City area of impact, to which City sewer system service is unavailable, may prepay the connection fees required by this section at the rates in effect at the time of prepayment, subject to the following conditions:
1. The property for which connection fees are being prepaid must have an existing single-family residence constructed on it;
2. The property owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the City which shall absolve the City of any requirement to provide sewer service to the property. This agreement shall be recorded in the Office of the Ada County Recorder;
3. A reasonable administrative fee shall be paid upon execution of the prepayment agreement to cover setup, monitoring and recording fees and costs;
4. The connection fees paid to the City prior to the provision of wastewater system service shall be paid prior to the date on which sewer becomes available; and
5. Any connection fees paid to the City prior to the provision of wastewater system service shall be in cash and shall be nonrefundable. The deferral of connection fees as provided for in section 10-2-8 of this chapter shall not be available to property owners electing to prepay connection fees.
H. Sewer Deposit For Future Connection Of New Subdivision: If a wet sewer is not adjacent to a subdivision or development of land in which the Council has required, as a condition for approving the subdivision plat or development, construction and installation of a wet line sewer served by an interim treatment system in accordance with detailed plans and specifications receiving prior approval, the subdivider or developer shall pay a deposit to the City Treasurer. This deposit shall be paid prior to the certification of the plat by the City Engineer, for the future connection of the sewer or interim treatment system to the wet sewer subsequently constructed and installed adjacent and adjoining the subdivision or development of land. The money so paid shall be deposited to the Sewage Works Fund to be used for the purposes provided in section 10-2-1-8 of this chapter. (1952 Code § 8-11-06.03)
I. Temporary Lift Station Upgrade Fee: If the Public Works Department has approved the use of a temporary lift station to serve a proposed development and if the lift station is undersized to serve the geographical area which may contribute flow to the temporary lift station, the City Council may, as a condition of approving the subdivision or development plat, require the developer to pay a fee for upgrading of the lift station and/or permanently extending the sewer to serve the development if it is needed prior to the logical extension of the gravity sewer. (Ord. 19-15, 5-12-2015; amd. Ord. 27-24, 9-24-2024)
A. Service Charges And Fees: This provision shall establish a system of periodic service charges and fees for the purpose of equitably imposing upon all users the costs and expenses of operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the wastewater system. The service charges and fees shall be based upon: 1) the volume and content of effluent discharged into the wastewater system of the City; and 2) the costs and expenses of operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the wastewater system, such charges and fees having been determined to be the benefit derived by each building, structure or user being charged. The system of periodic service charges and fees shall consist of the following categories: facility replacement, operation and maintenance, and fixed charge for zero use.
1. Facility Replacement: The purpose of this category is to accumulate a reserve for replacement of the wastewater system. This reserve shall be based on the total historical costs for the applicable facilities and equipment.
2. Operation And Maintenance: The purpose of this category is to recover, equitably from all users, the costs and expenses incurred by the City in operating and maintaining the wastewater system.
3. Fixed Charge For Zero Use: The purpose of this category is to equitably apportion among all customers a portion of those fixed costs which continue to be incurred whether or not individual customers utilize the wastewater system. Such costs include, but are not limited to, costs attributable to providing basic office staff for the administration of the City sewer system. Payment of these costs shall be made by all customers, including those with zero flow discharge.
B. When Payment Is Due: Service charges and fees imposed pursuant to this section shall be received by the City by the due date shown on the invoice or billing statement.
C. Deposits:
1. Deposits are not required for new service unless the user:
a. Is rated as a poor credit risk by a reputable credit bureau;
b. Has had an overdue bill three (3) times with any utility in the past four (4) years;
c. Has supplied false information at the time of application for service; or
d. Has filed for bankruptcy.
2. A deposit for residential service shall be equal to three (3) months worth of estimated charges. A deposit for commercial service shall be equal to two (2) months worth of estimated charges. The deposit will be refunded or credited when the user no longer requires service or has paid all bills satisfactorily for twelve (12) consecutive months.
3. Instead of paying a deposit, user may receive service if someone else signs a guarantee for his bill. This person, called the "guarantor" must be rated as a good credit risk by a reputable credit bureau. The guarantor is responsible for an amount equal to the deposit, but will be released from this obligation after twelve (12) consecutive months of satisfactory payments have been made by the user.
D. Unmonitored Connections: The monthly sewer service charge or fee for each property owner whose connection to the wastewater system is unmonitored shall be based upon the winter water use of such owner or user, plus the fixed charge for zero use.
E. Monitored Connections: The monthly service charge or fee for each sewer user whose connection to the wastewater system is monitored shall be established by the Public Works Department based upon: a) flow; b) the concentration of BOD; c) the concentration of TSS; d) the concentration of NH3-N; e) the concentration of the TP; f) other special constituents that may require treatment; and g) the fixed charge for zero use, and in accordance with monitored waste charges, unless otherwise specified by a separate contract.
F. Temporary Lift Stations: For each person served by a temporary lift station, there shall be a fixed, monthly charge until such time as the property owner or sewer user is no longer served by the temporary lift station. If served by more than one temporary lift station, the temporary lift station maintenance and operation fee shall only be charged for the nearest downstream station.
G. Users Served By Wells:
1. Well Meters For Commercial Users:
a. Each commercial property owner or sewer user not serviced by a public water supplier with water, but having a private well or water supply for commercial or industrial purposes, shall install and maintain, at their own expense, a water meter capable of measuring the total gallons or cubic feet per day of water being used for those purposes. Such meter shall be:
(1) Approved by the Department of Public Works prior to installation;
(2) Installed within sixty (60) days after receiving written approval from the department; and
(3) Situated upon the property to be accessible to the department at all times during normal working hours.
b. The Public Works Department may waive these requirements for commercial property owners if it can be determined that the user is a low consumption user and monthly charges can be estimated by the department.
2. Residential Well Users: The monthly sewer service charge or fee for each property owner or user whose connection to sewer is unmonitored, and whose record of water consumption is unmetered or unavailable, shall be fixed by the Public Works Department based upon the fees established in subsection 10-2-7-2B of this chapter, and the cubic feet of water discharged into the City sewer system as determined by the department. However, in the case of single-family dwellings with unmetered or unavailable water consumption records, the cubic feet discharge is determined as follows:
Number Of Residents | Water Consumption/Month |
Number Of Residents | Water Consumption/Month |
1 | 200 |
2 | 400 |
3 | 700 |
4 | 900 |
5 | 1,100 |
6 | 1,300 |
7 | 1,500 |
8 and above | 1,700 |
(1952 Code § 8-11-06.04; amd. Ord. 27-24, 9-24-2024)
A. Account Initiation: This is a one-time fee that will be assessed upon the initiation of a new account. It will cover the administrative costs associated with performing credit checks and establishing new account information.
B. Sewer Inspection Fees: Any person who shall install a trunk or lateral sewer shall pay a sewer inspection fee to cover the costs of inspection of the installation and construction of trunk, branch, lateral and sewer mains and service lines, as well as inspection of the necessary and required service connections, manholes, related structures and appurtenances in accordance with the plans and specifications on file with the Public Works Department, and in accordance with the directions and specifications of the department. In the event sewer inspection is required during any time other than a normal working day, the developer or his contractor shall reimburse the City at rates established by the department.
C. Deferral, Waiver, Prepayment And Permit Administrative Fees: Reasonable administrative fees will be charged for the processing of fee deferral and waiver applications, prepayment agreements and the issuance of permits.
D. Disconnection And Reconnection Fees: Reasonable fees may be charged to cover all costs of disconnecting and/or reconnecting sewer service that has been terminated because of nonpayment of fees.
E. Septage Dumping: A charge shall be imposed for each act of dumping septage, wastewater or effluent to a City wastewater treatment facility. This charge shall be based on the actual gallonage of wastewater dumped as measured by approved measuring devices or according to marked gallonage on the truck. The approved measuring devices shall be calibrated in one hundred (100) gallon increments and charges shall be made to the nearest one hundred (100) gallons. A flat fee for dumping septage, wastewater or effluent after scheduled hours is also imposed.
F. Decant Facility Service: A charge shall be imposed for each act of receiving and disposing of sediment and debris from sewers and storm drains into a City decant facility typically collected by means of a vehicle commonly referred to as a hydrocleaner.
G. Door Tag Fee: A fee shall be charged for hanging a door tag to warn of sewer service termination for the second and subsequent events to the same customer at the same address. There shall be no charge for the first time a door tag is hung on a property.
H. Watershed Program Fee: Reasonable administrative fees may be charged to recover the cost of providing educational programs at the Boise Watershed. (Ord. 23-17, 7-18-2017)
A. Residential Pump Credit:
1. In the event installation of a pump is required to enable an existing single-family residential structure to be served by the public sewer system, the user shall receive a credit of up to five thousand two hundred dollars ($5,200.00) against the fees imposed under subsection 10-2-6-3A of this chapter, and the equivalent assessment (public service line fee not included) under subsection 10-2-6-3C of this chapter, if either of the following situations exist:
a. The public sewer was constructed and accepted for service prior to January 1, 1996; or
b. The public sewer was constructed on or after January 1, 1996, but was not constructed to at least the sewer design policy depth guidelines approved by the Public Works Commission.
2. However, the amount of the credit cannot exceed the fees imposed under subsections 10-2-6-3A and C of this chapter.
B. Credit For Treatment Connection Fees For Commercial Property:
1. For the purposes of this provision, the term "owner or operator" shall mean any person who has previously paid the City sewer connection fee requirements for connection to the system.
2. Any owner or operator of a commercial, industrial or institutional business connected to the City sewer system who is changing the site of such business to another location having access to the City sewer system, may apply for a credit of the treatment plant connection fees imposed by subsection 10-2-6-3B of this chapter, pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 10-2-9-4 of this chapter.
3. The Public Works Department may give a credit for all or a portion of the connection fee requirements if it finds all of the following are applicable:
a. The nature of the business has not changed;
b. No additional treatment capacity will be required; and
c. Under the particular circumstances of the case, imposition of the connection fee requirements would impose an undue hardship upon the owner or operator.
4. The right to seek a credit for connection fees is nontransferable. Credits on the original property shall be reduced by the amount of connection fee waived.
5. The application for the treatment plant connection credit must be submitted prior to the time those connection fees are due.
C. Length Of Sewer Connection Credits: Nonuse of a City sewer system service connection for a period of ten (10) years shall constitute a relinquishment of any right to the use of such service connection and the wastewater system, as well as the relinquishment of any sewer connection credits. Resumption of service shall require payment of the current fees for new connections. Sewer connection credits are not transferable between parcels. Credits will be utilized in the order construction plans are reviewed by public works staff. (1952 Code § 8-11-06.06)
A. Residential Trunk Connection Fees: The rate for each connection fee is in such amounts as established by the City Council. (1952 Code § 8-11-07.01; amd. 2019 Code)
B. Residential Treatment Connection Fees: The rate for each treatment facility connection fee is in such amounts as established by the City Council. (Ord. 4-14, 2-4-2014; amd. 2019 Code)
C. Commercial Connection Fees: The rate for each connection is established on the basis of equivalent single-family residential units and is in such amounts as established by the City Council.
D. Equivalent Assessment Fees: For lots up to eighty six thousand (86,000) square feet in area, the fee shall be calculated on the basis of the area of the lot, in accordance with the fees established by the City Council.
E. Public Service Line Fees: A fee shall be charged for each public service line provided by the City, based upon the size of the service line and in such amounts as established by the City Council.
F. Future Sewer Deposit: As required in subsection 10-2-6-3H of this chapter, the subdivider or developer shall pay a fee in such amount as established by the City Council to the City Treasurer prior to certification of the plat by the City Engineer. (1952 Code § 8-11-07.01; amd. 2019 Code)
G. Temporary Lift Station Upgrade Fees: As required by subsection 10-2-6-3I of this chapter, the subdivider or developer shall pay a fee as calculated by the Public Works Department for the developer's share of the possible upgrade of a temporary lift station serving the developer's development. (1952 Code § 8-11-07.01)
A. Fixed Charge For Zero Use: There shall be a minimum charge in such amount as established by the City Council for zero (0) cubic feet of water used.
B. Charges For Unmonitored Connections: The monthly sewer charge for users with unmonitored connections to the wastewater system shall be in such amount as established by the City Council.
C. Charges For Monitored Connections: The monthly service charge for fee users with monitored connections to the wastewater system shall be in such amounts as established by the City Council.
D. Temporary Lift Stations: The monthly charge for each person served by a temporary lift station shall be in such amount as established by the City Council. (Ord. 35-18, 9-11-2018, eff. 10-1-2018; amd. 2019 Code)
E. Hardship (Low Income) Discount: Residential customers may apply for a hardship (low income) discount on residential sewer service, by making application to the department. Applications shall be submitted annually with updated financial information confirming annual family gross income. The department may reduce the charges for sewer service by up to thirty percent (30%) upon determining that the customer is experiencing financial hardship as defined herein. (Ord. 35-18, 9-11-2018, eff. 10-1-2018; amd. 2019 Code; Ord. 34-23, 8-29-2023)