A.   Notice of all service charges and fees fixed and established by the Department of Public Works pursuant to section 10-2-6-4 of this chapter shall be given by mailing notice thereof to the owner, if known, or the occupant or person in custody, control and possession of said property. Any property owner, or user of the sewer system, feeling aggrieved by the service charges or rates established by the department may, within ten (10) days after the mailing of said notice, file a notice of appeal with the Public Works Commission. The commission shall hold a hearing pursuant to the appeal procedures set forth in section 10-2-9-8 of this chapter.
   B.   Capital fees fixed and determined by the Department of Public Works, pursuant to section 10-2-6-3 of this chapter may, within ten (10) days of notice of the amount of such charges, be appealed to the Public Works Commission. The commission shall hold a hearing pursuant to the appeal procedures set forth in section 10-2-9-8 of this chapter. (1952 Code § 8-11-09.06)