A.   Conditions: The Public Works Department may waive the connection requirements of section 10-2-4-3 of this chapter if the public health does not require immediate connection and the department finds any of the following:
      1.   Within five (5) years prior to the date upon which connection fees are due, the individual wastewater disposal system serving the building for which a connection waiver is sought, was installed or rebuilt in accordance with a permit issued by the Central District Health Department. If the individual wastewater disposal system was installed three (3) years or less from the date sewer connection fees are due, a waiver may be granted for a period not to exceed five (5) years from the date of installation. If the individual wastewater disposal system was installed more than three (3) years from the date sewer connection fees are due, a waiver may be granted for a period of up to two (2) years from the date such waiver is sought;
      2.   The single-family dwelling for which a connection waiver is sought is located on a parcel of land five (5) acres or more in size;
      3.   The owner of a building is experiencing financial hardship. Financial hardship shall be deemed to exist when an owner's annual family gross income is at or below the income level indicated for a family of similar size on the current "Moderate Income Guidelines" chart employed by the City in the administration of the Community Development Block Grant Program, and shall be verified by the previous year Federal Tax return; or
      4.   The owner of the property has prepaid connection fees prior to sewer being available in accordance with subsection 10-2-6-3G of this chapter.
   B.   Application: Application for the waiver must be made by the building owner, prior to the date connection fees are due, in accordance with the waiver procedures set forth in section 10-2-9-4 of this chapter. (1952 Code § 8-11-09.02)