Disturbing the Peace; Disorderly Conduct
132.001 Disturbing the peace
132.002 Insulting signs, literature or language
132.003 Obscenity, threats, or harassment by telephone or electronic communications
132.004 Storing or keeping explosives
132.005 Fireworks
132.006 Low-flying planes
132.007 Definitions
132.008 Disorderly conduct
132.009 Exemptions
Drug-Related Offenses
132.020 Definitions
132.021 Possession of controlled dangerous substance
132.022 Drug paraphernalia
132.023 Inhalation of glue or other substances; exceptions
132.024 Possession and sale of certain toxins
Alcohol-Related Offenses
132.035 Definition of alcoholic beverage
132.036 Misrepresentation of age prohibited
132.037 Consumption of alcoholic beverages
132.038 Public intoxication
132.039 Sale, delivery or furnishing alcoholic beverages to any person who is intoxicated or who has been adjudged insane or mentally deficient
132.040 Possession/consumption of alcohol by a minor
132.041 Sale, delivery or furnishing alcoholic beverages to any person under 21 years of age
Tobacco-Related Offenses
132.050 Smoking; prohibitions on smoking; smoking in certain public places
132.051 Sale to persons under 21 years of age prohibited
132.052 Restriction of tobacco samples
132.053 Public access to displayed tobacco products and vapor products
132.054 Report of violations and compliance checks
132.055 Furnishing cigarette papers, pipes, and other items designed for smoking or consumption of tobacco, nicotine, or vapor products to persons under 21
132.065 Refusal to compel child to attend school
132.066 Truancy prohibited
132.067 Temporary detention of truants
132.070 Aggressive solicitation prohibited
Disorderly Houses
132.075 Definition
132.076 Maintenance or lease
132.077 Residents and visitors to disorderly houses
Vagrancy; Loitering
132.090 Vagrancy
132.091 Loitering and sleeping on private property
132.092 Curfew
132.105 Definition; prohibited activity
132.106 Fraudulent use of credit cards
132.107 Obtaining food or services by false pretenses
132.108 False or bogus checks
132.109 Making false declaration of ownership to a pawnbroker
Harmful Material and Behavior
132.135 Displaying material harmful to minors
132.136 Prostitution
132.137 Sale of motor vehicles on Sunday
132.138 Contributing to the delinquency of a minor prohibited
Weapons and Firearms
132.150 Definitions
132.151 Carrying weapons; exceptions
132.152 Repealed
132.153 Repealed
132.154 Repealed
132.155 Repealed
132.156 Repealed
132.157 Firearms in vehicles
132.158 Repealed
132.159 Repealed
132.160 Discharge
132.161 Repealed
(A) It is unlawful to disturb or alarm the peace of another or others by doing any of the acts set out in division (B) below.
(B) Disturbing the peace is the doing of any of the following in a manner as would foreseeably alarm or disturb the peace of another or others:
(1) Using obscene, offensive, abusive, profane, vulgar, threatening, violent or insulting language or conduct;
(2) Appearing in an intoxicated condition;
(3) Engaging in a fistic encounter;
(4) Lewdly exposing one's person or private parts thereof, in any public place or in any place where there are present other persons to be offended or annoyed thereby;
(5) Pointing any pistol or any other deadly weapon whether loaded or not at any person or persons either in anger or otherwise;
(6) Holding an unlawful assembly of two or more persons, including being assembled together and acting in concert, to do any unlawful act against the peace or to the terror of others or preparing for or moving toward such acts, or otherwise assembly unlawfully or riotously;
(7) Interrupting any lawful assembly of people by making noise, by rude, indecent or improper behavior, by profane, improper or loud language or in any other manner, either within the place of assembly or within hearing distance thereof;
(8) Making unnecessarily loud, offensive noises;
(9) Disturbing any congregation or assembly of persons meeting for religious worship by making noise, by rude, indecent or improper behavior, by profane, improper or loud language or in any other manner, either within the place of worship or within hearing distance thereof; or
(10) Committing any other act in a manner as to unreasonably disturb or warn the public.
(Prior Code, § 11-301) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the city, to display any sign, emblem, badge, flag or device, which in its common acceptance is insulting, profane or abusive to the citizens of the city, and which is calculated or of which the natural consequence is, to cause a breach of the peace or an assault.
(2) It is unlawful for any person to wilfully use, utter, publish, circulate or distribute any profane, violent, abusive or insulting language or literature where:
(a) A natural consequence of the language or literature is to cause a breach of the peace or an assault; or
(b) The language or literature, in its common acceptance is calculated to cause a breach of the peace or an assault.
(Prior Code, § 11-302)
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to utter, publish, distribute or circulate any literature or language within the corporate limits of the city that casts profane ridicule on any religion, which is calculated or where the natural consequence is to cause a breach of the peace or an assault. (Prior Code, § 11-303)
(A) It shall be unlawful for a person who, by means of a telecommunication or other electronic communication device, willfully either:
(1) Makes any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent;
(2) Makes a telecommunication or other electronic communication with intent to terrify, intimidate, or harass, or threaten to inflict injury or physical harm to any person or property of that person;
(3) Makes a telecommunication or other electronic communication, whether or not conversation ensues, with intent to put the party called in fear of physical harm or death;
(4) Makes a telecommunication or other electronic communication, whether or not conversation ensues, without disclosing the identity of the person making the call or communication and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person at the called number;
(5) Knowingly permits any telecommunication or other electronic communication under the control of the person to be used for any purpose prohibited by this section; and
(6) In conspiracy or concerted action with other persons, makes repeated calls or electronic communications or simultaneous calls or electronic communications solely to harass any person at the called number(s).
(B) As used in this section, TELECOMMUNICATION and ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION mean any type of telephonic, electronic, or radio communications, or transmission of signs, signals, data, writings, images, and sounds, or intelligence of any nature by telephone, including cellular telephones, wire, cable, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectronic, or photo-optical system or the creation, display, management, storage, processing, transmission, or distribution of images, text, voice, video, or data by wire, cable, or wireless means, including the Internet. The term includes:
(1) A communication initiated by electronic mail, instant message, network call, or facsimile machine; and
(2) A communication made to a pager.
(C) Use of a telephone or other electronic communications facility under this section shall include all use made of such a facility between the points of origin and reception. Any offense under this section is a continuing offense and shall be deemed to have been committed at either the place of origin or the place of reception.
(D) Any person who is convicted of the provisions of division (A) of this section shall be guilty of an offense punishable as provided in § 10.99 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 11-304) (Ord. 1522, passed 10-4-94; Am. Ord. 1854, passed 7-19-11) Penalty, see § 10.99
It is unlawful for any person to store or keep within the city any nitroglycerin, dynamite, gunpowder or any other highly explosive material or substance, except that gunpowder may be kept in quantities of not to exceed five pounds where the same is securely kept.
(Prior Code, § 11-305) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
FIREWORKS. Firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, roman candles, toy pistols, toy cannons, detonating cones, blank cartridges and other devices or intended for pyrotechnic display.
(B) It is unlawful for any person to manufacture, display for sale, sell or purchase fireworks of any kind, character or description within the city limits.
(C) It is unlawful for any person to use, fire or discharge any fireworks, as described in division (A) above, within the limits of the city.
(D) The sale, purchase or firing of fireworks of any kind as provided in this section is hereby declared to be a danger to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of the city and is also hereby declared to be a public nuisance, in addition to the penalties provided.
(E) This section shall not be applicable to pyrotechnical fireworks which may be authorized by resolution of the City Council when under the control of qualified individuals and the time, place and manner of the display is approved by the Chief of the Fire Department.
(Prior Code, § 11-306) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Bottle rockets prohibited by state law, see 68 O.S. § 1624
Municipal power to regulate, see 11 O.S. § 22-110
State fireworks licenses, see 68 O.S. §§ 1621 et seq.