§ 132.150 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PISTOLS. Any firearm capable of discharging a projectile composed of any materials which may reasonably be expected to be able to cause lethal injury, with a barrel or barrels less than 16 inches in length, and using either gunpowder, gas or any means of rocket propulsion, but not to include flare guns, underwater fishing guns or blank pistols.
   RIFLES. Any firearm capable of discharging a projectile composed of any material which may reasonably be expected to be able to cause lethal injury, with a barrel or barrels more than 16 inches in length, and using either gunpowder, gas or any means of rocket propulsion, but not to include archery equipment, flare guns or underwater fishing guns. In addition, any rifle capable of firing “shot,” but primarily designed to fire single projectiles, will be regarded as a RIFLE.
   SHOTGUNS. Any firearm capable of discharging a series of projectiles of any material which may reasonably be expected to be able to cause lethal injury, with a barrel or barrels more than 18 inches in length, and using either gunpowder, gas, or any means of rocket propulsion, but not to include any weapon so designed with a barrel less than 18 inches in length. In addition, any SHOTGUN capable of firing single projectiles, but primarily designed to fire multiple projectiles such as “shot” will be regarded as a SHOTGUN.
(Prior Code, § 11-701) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to carry upon or about his or her person, or in a purse or other container belonging to the person, any billy, blackjack, hard chain, metal knuckles or any other offensive weapon, whether the weapon be concealed or unconcealed. This section shall not be construed as the regulation of firearms or knives as preempted by Oklahoma Statutes. This section shall not prohibit the carrying, possession and use of any weapon by a peace officer or other person authorized by law to carry a weapon in the performance of their official duties and in compliance with the rules of the employing agency.
(Prior Code, § 11-702) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1540, passed 9-5-95; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12; Am. Ord. 1898, passed 5-19-15) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 132.152 REPEALED.
(Prior Code, § 11-703) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1540, passed 9-5-95; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12)
§ 132.153 REPEALED.
(Prior Code, § 11-704) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1540, passed 9-5-95; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12)
§ 132.154 REPEALED.
(Prior Code, § 11-705) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12)
§ 132.155 REPEALED.
(Prior Code, § 11-706) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 132.156 REPEALED.
(Prior Code, § 11-712) (Ord. 1346, passed 9-17-85; Am. Ord. 1540, passed 9-5-95; Am. Ord. 1869, passed 11-6-12)