Sidewalk and Curb Construction, Reconstruction, and Repair
95.001 Definitions
95.002 Sidewalks required
95.003 Sidewalk specifications
95.004 Sidewalk defects
95.005 Notice to construct, repair, or reconstruct
95.006 Borough authorized to do work
95.007 Inspection of construction, reconstruction, or repairs
95.008 Prior approval
95.009 Inspection of sidewalks
Sidewalk Obstructions and Uses
95.020 Definition
95.021 Restrictions on sidewalk display of merchandise
Snow Removal from Sidewalks
95.035 Responsibility for removal of snow and ice; time limit
95.036 Authority for borough to remove snow and ice and collect costs
Removal of Material from Streets
95.050 Removal of material from streets, alleys, and public grounds prohibited
95.051 Exceptions
Placement of Snow on Streets
95.065 Definitions
95.066 Unlawful to deposit snow onto streets
Befouling of Streets
95.080 Proper operation of vehicles
95.081 Befouling of streets unlawful
95.999 Penalty