(a)   Every subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system adequate to serve the area being platted including one service connection for each lot extended two feet (2 ft.) behind the curb line, and appropriately spaced fire hydrants, with the entire water system designed to meet the approval of the City Engineer and the Bedford Water Commissioner. Such approval shall be so certified on the plans for the water system.
   (b)   Every subdivision shall be provided with a storm sewer or drainage system adequate to serve the area being platted and otherwise meeting the approval of the City Engineer.
   (c)   In every subdivision, provision shall be made for the satisfactory disposal of sanitary sewage.
      (1)   The subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system connected with such sewer main, including a service connection for each lot located two feet (2 ft.) behind the curb line.
      (2)   Backfilling of trenches. Wherever excavations for storm sewer, sanitary sewer and/or water mains and appurtenances thereto may lie beneath the existing or proposed pavement, sidewalk or drive areas, such excavations shall be backfilled with sand of a grade and in a manner approved by the City Engineer.
   (d)   All Water and Sewerage piping and appurtenances shall be installed per the details contained in Appendix I and II and the following minimum specifications:
      (1)   Water service lines to individual dwelling structures or to structures containing multiple dwelling units shall be sized according to demand but shall be a minimum of 1-inch, Type “K”, seamless, soft copper piping.
      (2)   Piping shall be installed in one continuous section free of all joints or fittings whenever possible and when not possible due to length of run shall be connected by flair-style fittings.
      (3)   When placed in the same trench with sewer piping, the water piping shall be placed a minimum of 12-inches above the highest point of the top of the sewer piping.
      (4)   Piping shall be installed in one continuous section free of all joints or fittings whenever possible and when not possible due to length of run shall be connected by flair-style fittings.
      (5)   All copper water piping shall be protected from damage during backfilling by completely surrounding the piping with a minimum of 12-inches of clean mason sand. Backfill containing broken concrete, broken asphalt or other substances that may be injurious to the piping shall not be used to backfill water or sewer piping.
      (6)   Sanitary sewer piping shall be constructed of schedule 40 PVC or ABS coextruded composite piping with matching fittings. Individual sanitary sewer laterals shall not be installed smaller than 4-inches in diameter nor larger than 6-inches in diameter and shall be installed from the public main to a point within 5-feet of the structure in the same size piping as the tap into the public sewer main. A cleanout of the minimum size of 4-inches in diameter shall be installed 1-foot inside the public right-of-way or public sidewalk and again within 5-feet of and outside of the foundation wall of the structure. Additional cleanouts shall be placed the maximum of 200 feet apart or at changes of direction in exceptionally long runs of piping. Connections to existing piping shall be made with approved elastomeric, mechanical fittings with stainless steel bands and be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
      (7)   Sanitary or storm sewer piping shall be bedded with #57 limestone or washed gravel material which shall be placed a minimum of 6-inches in thickness below the sewer piping and to a minimum height equaling the center line of the piping.
      (8)   The roof and footer drains of all new dwellings and those existing dwellings undergoing significant alterations shall be connected to the municipal storm sewer system whenever one is available. Storm sewer piping shall be a minimum of SDR-35 solid or perforated piping and shall be equipped with cleanouts in strategic locations per the approved drawings.
      (9)   A permit shall be required for the installation or replacement of water or sewer lateral piping which shall be charged at a rate approved by City Council. All piping shall be inspected by an authorized representative of the City Engineer, the Service Director or the Building Commissioner prior to backfilling. (Ord. 7734-05. Passed 7-11-05.)