(a)   All sanitary outlets from a residential or commercial structure shall be connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system if it is available, or otherwise to a private system approved by both the City Division of Building and the County Health Department in cases when no municipal system is available.
   (b)   All residential or commercial buildings and accessory structures shall be equipped with gutters and downspouts or other approved roof drainage system. All downspouts and drain tiles shall be connected to an approved municipal storm water system unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer or Building Official. Combination storm/sanitary sewers shall not be used for the disposal of rain or ground water.
   (c)   The architectural size and design of any structure, whether residential or commercial in nature, shall be architecturally compatible with the structures in the general neighborhood in which it is constructed. All single family ranch-style dwellings shall be of a size of at least 1,100 square feet in area exclusive of any basement, garage or utility room. Any 1½ or 2-story dwelling shall be of a size at least 800 square feet on a full floor and at least 400 square feet on a half-floor. No dwelling shall contain less than 1,100 square feet of livable area exclusive of basements or utility rooms regardless of the number of levels. No modular or manufactured structure which is intended for use as a dwelling shall be placed in any neighborhood unless it is equipped with a roof that is pitched a minimum of 4 horizontal units for each 12 vertical units and is of a comparable size to other structures in the neighborhood.
   (d)   No dwelling shall be equipped with bedrooms located on a windowless story, below-grade story or in a basement unless it complies with the provisions of the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings or is specifically approved by the Building Official. No dwelling shall be equipped with bedrooms located on a third story above ground or in an attic unless it complies with the provisions of the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings and/or such story is equipped with two means-of-egress stairways approved by the Building Official.
   (e)   All occupants of a dwelling unit shall have a room or space dedicated for sleeping purposes. Only one occupant shall utilize any one dedicated space. Each occupant of the dwelling unit shall have a minimum of 70 square feet of space dedicated for use as sleeping area and used for no other purpose. Common areas used for both living and sleeping shall have the minimum floor areas required for both purposes. Spaces or rooms dedicated for use by more than one occupant shall contain a minimum of 50 square feet of space for each occupant. The sole path of egress from any bedroom area shall not be through a bathroom.
   (f)   No structure which is intended to be used as a dwelling or accessory to a dwelling shall be constructed within the City of Bedford unless it is equipped with a permanent foundation in compliance with the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three-Family Dwellings. All footings or foundation walls of dwellings or their accessory structures shall rest on virgin or undisturbed soil, on bedrock, or on engineered fill at a minimum depth of 36 inches below the adjacent exterior grade.
   (g)   All footings or foundations of structures located below the adjacent exterior grade shall be constructed of cement or masonry materials. Wood (and pole) footings or foundations shall not be permitted.
   (h)   Dwelling units located above or adjacent to a commercial use shall be separated from the commercial use by a minimum of a 1-hour rated fire wall, floor/ceiling assembly or other separation based on the applicable sections of the Ohio Building Code.
   (i)   The exposed surfaces of concrete or masonry foundation walls and any exposed exterior walls of all residential or commercial structures shall be constructed using brick masonry or other similar masonry or quality, decorative product as may be approved by the Building Official or the Planning Commission.
   (j)   It shall be unlawful to construct or equip any residential or commercial structure with an incinerator of any type.
   (k)   Chimneys, flues and other appurtenances to solid-fuel burning appliances, including stoves and fireplaces, shall be installed, with the approval of the Building Commissioner or the City Manager, in such a manner and at such a height as necessary to prevent the creation of a nuisance in the neighborhood from smoke or soot.
   (l)   All structures, whether residential or commercial, shall be served by and connected per the applicable sections of the Ohio Plumbing Code to the Bedford municipal water system unless otherwise approved in writing by the Building Commissioner.
   (m)   All materials installed under the terms of this code shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. All materials shall be installed according to the written instructions or recommendations of the manufacturer. Any material used to patch a surface or assembly shall be equal to or the same as the material being patched in quality, strength, texture and color. All building lines shall run level and plumb, flat and true. All drywall installed in an occupiable space shall be finished to a standard equal to Level 4 as described and published by the Gypsum Association.  A standard of workmanship equal to or exceeding the highest standards of the industry shall be required.
   (n)   Garages Required. All new dwellings and all existing dwellings which are being increased in gross floor area shall be equipped with indoor parking, either attached or detached. Garages which must be razed due to their condition, location or other circumstances must be replaced with a garage of similar size.
   (o)   Allowable Sizes of Garages. The size of any garage shall not exceed 500 square feet for lot sizes up to 5,000 square feet. For each additional complete increment of 2,500 square feet of lot area, the size of the garage may be increased by 200 square feet. The total of all garages on a lot shall not exceed 1,100 square feet unless approved by the Planning Commission.
   (p)   The number and location of all fire hydrants, yard hydrants and fire department connections to automatic sprinkler systems which serve any new commercial structure, project or development shall be determined and approved by the Chief of the Bedford Fire Department.
(Ord. 7819-06. Passed 6-12-06.)
   (q)   Asphalt Surfaces.
      (1)   Commercial. Asphalt materials shall be used on commercial projects in lieu of concrete in the City of Bedford only with the prior approval of the Building Commissioner. When approved, commercial drives and parking areas not subject to truck traffic shall be constructed pursuant to the current Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) guidelines and specifications.
      (2)   Residential. Residential driveway paving shall be constructed per the following specification:
         A.    Concrete driveways and parking areas shall be constructed pursuant to the current Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) guidelines and specifications.
         B.    Asphalt driveways shall be constructed pursuant to the current Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) guidelines and specifications.
            (Ord. 9642-18. Passed 9-4-18.)
      NOTE: All aprons, whether commercial or residential, shall be constructed of reinforced concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Residential aprons shall be the minimum thickness of 6-inches. Commercial aprons shall be the minimum thickness of 8-inches.
      (Ord. 7819-06. Passed 6-12-06.)