Swimming Pool Operations
729.01   Definition.
729.02   License required.
729.03   License revocation; appeal.
729.04   Inspection.
729.05   Compliance with requirements of State and County Boards of Health.
729.06   Safety of bathers.
729.07   Polluted water.
729.08   Shielding lights.
729.09   Unnecessary noise.
729.10   Commercial activities.
729.11   Enclosure of swimming pool.
729.12   Location of pool.
729.13   Bathers with communicable diseases.
729.14   Cleaning of pools and environs.
729.15   Chlorination of water.
729.16   Quality of water.
729.17   Operating personnel.
729.18   Off-season protection.
729.19   Fees.
729.99   Penalty.
      Public swimming pool rules - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3701; Ohio Admin. Code 3701-31-01 et seq.
      Health, safety and sanitation - see BLDG. Ch. 1341
      Owner's responsibility for litter on premises - see GEN. OFF. 531.11
      Trespassing - see GEN. OFF. 541.05
      Swimming pool construction - see BLDG. Ch. 1321