(a)    Driveways to buildings or parking areas shall be located at least two hundred feet (200') from a street intersection.
   (b)   All permitted uses shall be performed wholly within enclosed buildings. All goods, raw materials, equipment and waste materials shall be used or stored within buildings.
   (c)   Areas bordering upon buildings shall be planted with ground cover, trees, shrubs or hedges and maintained to produce a park-like effect. Parking setbacks and other undeveloped areas of the property shall be graded, seeded and maintained as a lawn or wooded in an orderly natural state and shall be included in a landscape plan.
   (d)   The premises shall be maintained in an orderly, neat, clean and sanitary condition. Lawns shall be kept mowed and trimmed and planting and trees shall be maintained and trimmed according to reasonable landscaping principles.
   (e)   Where a U-8A zoning classification or use is contiguous to or across the street from any residential zone or use, Commission shall require special landscaping, buffering or mounding as is necessary for appropriate separation and screening.
   (f)   Operations, experiments, manufacturing and other uses shall be regulated so as to comply with the following performance standards at the nearest street or property lines:
      (1)   Noxious, toxic or corrosive fumes or gases shall not be emitted which would be injurious or detrimental to persons, property or vegetation or be discernible to the sense of smell.
      (2)    No deleterious, corrosive, toxic or explosive wastes or other similar materials shall be discharged into any sanitary or storm sewer or natural watercourse or onto the ground.
      (3)    Glare or brightness caused by the operations or illumination of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so as not to be objectionable or hazardous to owners or users of adjacent property or public streets.
      (4)    Electrical disturbance shall not be created that would adversely affect the operation of sound, radio or television equipment in any building in the vicinity.
      (5)    Noise or vibrations created shall not interfere with the life, health, safety and welfare of persons or property in any building in the vicinity.
         (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)