(a)   The ground area occupied by the buildings shall not exceed the following percentages of the total area of the lot: fifteen percent (15%) for a three-story (3) building; twenty-five percent (25%) for any building with less than three (3) stories but more than one (1) story; and thirty-five (35%) percent for a one-story (1)  building.
   (b)   All buildings shall be set back from any public street or highway at least one hundred feet (100'). However, all buildings with frontage on Richmond Road shall be set back at least two hundred feet (200').
   (c)   Side and rear yards, where adjoining a residential district with no street intervening, shall be at least one hundred feet (100'); otherwise, side and rear yards shall be at least thirty-five feet (35'). An evergreen hedge or other planting or fence may be required by the Commission along property or street lines.
   (d)   Height Regulations.  Buildings shall not exceed forty-two feet (42'), exclusive of towers, cornices or similar decorative features.
   (e)   The minimum lot area for any development under the U-8A District shall be two (2) acres with a minimum frontage on a public street of two hundred feet (200') in width.
   (f)   Not less than ten percent of the total land area and all required yards in which no off-street parking is permitted shall be developed as lawn or planted area or maintained in an orderly wooded state.
   (g)   In U-8A developments, portions of the front, side or rear yards may be used for parking according to the following schedule:
Type and Location of Yard
Setback (ft.)
Front, side or rear yard along Richmond Road
Front, side or rear yard along other streets    
Side or rear yard abutting nonresidential
Side or rear yard abutting residential
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)