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Beachwood Overview
Codified Ordinances of Beachwood, OH
U-3A High-Rise Apartment District
1119.01   Permitted uses.
1119.02   Definition of area and height regulations.
1119.03   Schedule of area and height regulations.
1119.04   Land planning.
         Districts established - see P. & Z. 1111.01
         Classification of uses - see P. & Z. 1111.02
         Lots - see P. & Z. Ch. 1143
         Yards and building lines - see P. & Z. Ch. 1145
         Building permits, fees and deposits - see BLDG. Ch. 1329
         Submission of plans to Architectural Board of Review; fee
            see - BLDG. 1329.08
   1119.01  PERMITTED USES.
   Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in a U-3A District only for the uses set forth in this section and the use regulations of this Code.
   (a)   Main Uses. Multi-Family Dwellings.
   (b)    Accessory Uses.  Accessory uses shall be designed and intended to principally serve the apartment residents.  Except for car washes as provided in subsection (b)(5) hereof, all accessory uses shall be centralized in one building as adjoining uses apart from residential areas.  No such accessory use other than parking facilities and enclosed garages shall exceed 1,800 square feet in size.  Such accessory uses shall be as follows:
      (1)    Snack bars and coffee shops;
      (2)   Automobile parking facilities and enclosed garages;
      (3)   Personal services, limited to barber shops, beauty shops, laundries, cleaners, pharmacies, convenience groceries, florists, restaurants, and/or coffee shops, retail specialty stores, and other similar services as approved by the Commission and confirmed by Council;
      (4)    Health and recreation facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and exercise rooms.
      (5)   Car washes provided that:
         A.   No washing or detailing activities are conducted outside of the building.
         B.   There is no advertising or signage associated with the car wash.
         C.   Washing is by hand only and no automated wash systems are used.
         D.   The wash area does not exceed six-hundred (600) square feet.
   (c)   Building Service Facilities. Delivery and refuse removal areas shall be screened or located within enclosed service areas as approved by  the Commission.
   (d)   Wireless Communication Facilities. Wireless telecommunications facilities shall be subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Wireless telecommunications facilities shall only be permitted as an accessory use provided such facilities are located on the roof of the building containing the principal permitted use.  Antennas may be mounted on the walls of a penthouse, except where the exterior wall of the penthouse is flush with the exterior wall of the building.  Antennas, other than dipole or omni-directional antennas, which are mounted on a penthouse shall not extend above the penthouse and shall be screened with panels or other screening devices designed to match the appearance of the penthouse wall and reduce visibility.
      (2)   Wireless telecommunications antennas, including dipole antennas over two inches (2") in diameter, and support structures mounted directly on the roof shall not extend higher than twenty feet (20') above the roof and shall be set back from the parapet or roof edge a minimum of one foot (1') for each one foot (1') in elevation above the top of the parapet.  Dipole antennas which are two inches (2") or less in diameter may be attached to the rear (inside) of the parapet wall provided such antennas do not extend more than three feet (3') above the top of said parapet wall.  All such antennas shall be colored to minimize visibility.
      (3)   Roof mounted wireless telecommunications facilities shall be designed to withstand wind loads per the Ohio Building Code.
      (4)   Where wireless telecommunications facilities are proposed to be located on a building where such facilities already exist, the applicant shall provide assurances that the proposed facilities will not interfere with the receipt or transmission of signals by the existing facilities.
      (5)   Equipment cabinets, switching equipment, cables, and other devices associated with wireless telecommunications facilities which are located on roofs shall be screened from view from public rights of way and from apartment units in adjoining buildings.
      (6)   A building permit shall be required for the installation of each wireless communications facility.  The building permit fee for wireless communications facilities shall be as set forth in Section 1329.03.
      (7)   The Building Commissioner may, where it is determined that proposed wireless telecommunications facilities comply with all of the criteria set forth herein, issue a permit for the installation of such facilities without referral to the Commission; otherwise applications for wireless telecommunications facilities shall be referred to the Commission for consideration.  (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   The various area and height regulations of the area to be developed are defined in this section and scheduled in the following section.
   (a)    Development Area.  "Development Area" means the minimum area to be constructed by a single owner or owners or group of owners of a parcel or assembled parcels, acting jointly, involving a related group of multiple-family dwellings, planned and developed as an entity, in order to qualify under the planning development provisions.
   (b)   Land Area Per Dwelling Unit. "Land Area Per Dwelling Unit" means the minimum area required within a Development Area for each dwelling unit in order to qualify for such provisions.
   (c)    Gross Floor Area of Dwelling Unit. The minimum gross area of all the floors of a dwelling unit, the whole area of garages and one-half (.5) the area of balconies, porches and other open areas within parts of the building may be excluded from the gross area.
   (d)    Building Coverage. "Building Coverage" means the maximum ratio of the ground floor area of the dwelling or apartment buildings to the lot area. Garage roofs, if below grade and landscaped or if developed as a terrace or similar landscape feature, may be excluded from the ground floor building area for this purpose.
   (e)    Maximum Height. "Maximum Height" refers to the height to which any main building may be constructed above the designed finished grade.
      (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)
   Land and buildings shall be used in a U-3A District and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved or maintained in such District in accordance with the following  schedule:
   (a)    Maximum Density is thirty (30) Dwelling Units Per Acre
   (b)   Gross area of dwelling unit as follows:
Minimum Apartment Unit Size
Minimum Area (sq. ft.)
1 bedroom unit
(there shall be not more than
fifty percent (50%) of the units in
this category) 
2 bedroom unit
3 bedroom unit
4 bedroom unit
Efficiency units are prohibited
   (c)   Building coverage exclusive of parking facilities         25%
   (d)   Height of main buildings: buildings shall be limited to one hundred feet (100') in height, exclusive of penthouses, cornices or similar features.
      (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)