U-5 Public and Institutional District
U-5 Public and Institutional District
1124.01 Intent.
1124.02 Permitted uses.
1124.03 Lot dimensions.
1124.04 Area, yard and height regulations.
1124.05 Landscaping and screening.
1124.06 Off-street parking and loading facilities.
1124.07 Site lighting.
1124.08 Wireless telecommunications facilities.
1124.09 Site development plans.
1124.10 Rezoning.
Adult Day Care Centers - see P. & Z.1155.03
Child day care centers - see P. & Z.1155.02
Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1141
1124.01 INTENT.
This Chapter is established to provide appropriate regulations for the operation, expansion, and maintenance of existing educational, religious, cultural, and governmental uses, and to provide for the development of institutional uses which serve the needs of the residents of the City in a manner consistent with the overall land use and zoning plan of the City; compatible and harmonious with established residential neighborhoods; and designed to minimize impacts on adjacent properties.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) Buildings and land in a Class U-5 District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, altered, moved, or intended only for the uses specifically designated as Class U-5 uses in Section 1111.02.
(b) The following accessory uses shall be permitted provided such uses are incidental and subordinate to a principal use listed in Section 1111.02, and further provided that such accessory uses are planned and developed in connection with said principal use:
(2) Adult Day Care Centers subject to Section 1155.03.
(3) Parking Facilities.
(4) Assisted Living Facilities provided such facilities are operated in conjunction with a licensed nursing home.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
The minimum area of any U-5 District shall be three (3) acres and the minimum street frontage shall be two hundred fifty feet (250').
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)