District and Use Classification; Zone Map
District and Use Classification; Zone Map
1111.01 Districts and Zone Map generally.
1111.02 Classification of uses.
1111.03 Prohibited uses.
Basis of Districts - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Amendments - see P. & Z. 1107.01
Zoning status of annexed lands - see P. & Z. 1107.02
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1147
For the purpose of regulating the location of trades, industries, residential houses and other uses of property, the number of square feet of lot area per family housed, the width of lots, the location and size of yards and the alignment of buildings upon street frontages, the City is hereby divided into the following classes of Use Districts, termed respectively:
Class U-1 or Single-Family Residential District
Class U-2A or Attached Single-Family Residential District
Class U-3 or Multi-Family Residential District
Class U-3A or High-Rise Apartment District
Class U-3C or Planned Multi-Family Residential District
Class U-4A or Integrated Business District
Class U-4B or Shopping Center District
Class U-5 or Public and Institutional District
Class U-7A or General Office Building District
Class U-8 or Industrial and Office Mixed-Use District
Class U-8A or Office Building and Research District
Class U-9 or Motor Service District
Class U-10 or Planned Mixed-Use Development District
and into three classes of Area Districts, termed respectively:
Class A-1 Class A-2 Class A-3
all as shown upon the Zone Map, a copy of which is attached to original Ordinance 1993-52, passed September 13, 1993, as Exhibit B, and which is hereby declared to be a part of this Code.
No building shall be erected on the premises used except in conformity with the regulations herein provided for the Use and Area Districts in which such building or premises are located.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
For the purpose of this Code, the various uses to which buildings and premises can be devoted are divided into groups, classes and subdivisions as set forth in the following classification. These uses, hereinafter classified as Class U-1, Class U-2A, Class U-3, Class U-3A, Class U-3C, Class U-4A, Class U-4B, Class U-5, Class U-7A, Class U-8, Class U-8A, Class U-9 and Class U-10, are permitted under regulations herein set forth in the respective Use Districts allotted to such uses.
(a) Class U-1 Uses.
(1) Single-Family Dwellings.
(b) Class U-2A Uses.
(1) Attached Single-Family Dwellings.
(c) Class U-3 Uses.
(1) Multi-Family Dwellings.
(d) Class U-3A Uses.
(1) High-rise Multi-Family Dwellings.
(e) Class U-3C Uses.
(1) Multi-Family Dwellings.
(Ord. 2011-170. Passed 3-19-12.)
(f) Class U-4A Uses.
(1) Stores selling commodities at retail such as, but not necessarily limited to:
A. Groceries; supermarkets; bakeries; delicatessens. Such uses may be permitted curbside pickup provided that they first obtain a Site Development Plan approval. The number of spaces dedicated for curbside pickup shall be as authorized on the approved Site Development Plan.
B. Restaurants; Restaurants may be permitted outdoor dining areas and/or curbside pickup provided that they first obtain a Site Development Plan approval. The number of outdoor seats and/or spaces dedicated for curbside pickup shall be as authorized on the approved Site Development Plan.
C. Drug stores.
D. Wearing apparel stores.
E. Variety stores.
F. Paint and wall paper; hardware stores.
G. Furniture; household appliances; draperies; floor coverings.
H. Electronic appliances.
I. Florist; gift; jewelry, sporting goods stores.
(2) Service establishments such as, but not necessarily limited to:
A. Barbers; beauty shops, and nail salons.
B. Dry cleaning; laundries; tailor shops.
C. Appliance repair.
D. Banks and other financial institutions.
E. Exercise and training facilities.
F. Private schools and colleges.
G. Dance studios; photographic studios.
H. Printing shops; copy centers.
K. Indoor recreation and athletic facilities,
L. Day spas, tanning salons, and massage therapy.
(3) Offices including medical offices.
(4) Hotels.
(5) Multi-Family Dwellings above the first floor with a Conditional Use Permit.
(6) Banks and drug stores may be permitted accessory drive-thru, drive-up, or pickup arrangements and facilities provided they first obtain a Conditional Use Permit.
(g) Class U-4B Uses.
(1) Shopping centers.
(h) Class U-5 Uses.
(1) Governmental facilities.
(2) Parks and public recreation facilities.
(3) Public and private schools and colleges.
(4) Nursing homes.
(5) Places of worship.
(6) Libraries.
(7) Museums.
(8) Community Centers.
(i) Class U-7A Uses.
(1) Professional, administrative, executive, sales (without samples and merchandising services), governmental and public utility offices.
(2) Services of a limited nature such as beauty and barber shops, photographic developing and blueprinting.
(3) Telephone exchanges.
(6) Licensed health care facilities with a Conditional Use Permit.
(7) Professional medical offices.
(8) Banks and other financial institutions.
(9) Restaurants; Restaurants may be permitted outdoor dining areas and/or curbside pickup provided that they first obtain a Site Development Plan approval. The number of outdoor seats and/or spaces dedicated for curbside pickup shall be as authorized on the approved Site Development Plan.
(10) Multi-Family Dwellings above the first floor with a Conditional Use Permit.
(j) Class U-8 Uses.
(1) Professional, administrative, executive, and sales offices.
(2) Professional medical offices.
(3) Licensed health care facilities.
(4) Research and development laboratories and testing facilities.
(5) Wholesale and retail businesses and showrooms.
(6) Retail sales associated with wholesale businesses and showrooms, interior decorating and design services, or with articles or goods created, manufactured, or assembled on the premises.
(7) Storage and distribution of finished or packaged goods subject to the provisions of Section 1129.07.
(8) Light manufacturing, fabrication and assembly operations.
(9) Business services.
(10) Personal services.
(11) Printing, publishing and engraving.
(12) Photographic studios, sales and processing.
(13) Copy, blueprinting and reproduction services.
(14) Interior decorating and design services and facilities.
(15) Postal facilities and package delivery services.
(16) Public utility facilities.
(17) Municipal facilities.
(18) Financial institutions.
(21) Dance studios.
(22) Recording and broadcast studios.
(23) Art studios and galleries.
(24) Athletic facilities, fitness centers, and health spas 8,000 square feet or less.
(25) The following uses may be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit:
A. Schools and training facilities.
B. Athletic facilities, fitness centers, and health spas greater than 8,000 square feet.
C. Licensed health care facilities.
D. Restaurants provided, however, that no such use shall be established on a site requiring a parking variance to accommodate said use. Restaurants may be permitted curbside pickup. The number of spaces dedicated for pickup shall be as authorized in the Conditional Use Permit.
E. Daily and overnight pet care facilities provided that such facilities meet the following criteria:
1. The maximum number of pet lodging units shall not exceed one (1) per each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area of the first floor of the building.
2. Runoff from all lodging units and exercise areas shall be directed to the sanitary sewer system and not the storm sewer system.
3. An outdoor exercise and relief area shall be provided which shall contain a minimum of 1200 square feet and shall be enclosed with an opaque fence eight feet (8') in height.
4. No animals shall be permitted outdoors between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
5. Wastes shall be controlled and collected on site and shall be properly removed at least two (2) times per week.
6. There shall be no noise from animals measurable beyond the property boundary lines.
7. There shall be a minimum of two (2) employees on site at all times.
8. Parking spaces shall be provided at the rate of five (5) spaces plus one (1) space for each ten (10) lodging units at maximum capacity.
9. The maximum number of daily or day care animals shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the approved number of lodging units.
10. There shall be no grooming other than of pets which are being lodged for overnight stays.
11. There shall be no retail sales of pet supplies or products.
12. There shall be no pet training classes conducted on the premises.
13. The use shall not be so located as to have an adverse impact on the use, reuse, and/or redevelopment of any other property in the District.
F. Veterinary hospitals and clinics.
G. Multi-family residences provided that no dwelling units shall be located on the first or ground floor.
(k) Class U-8A Uses.
(1) Professional, administrative, executive, governmental and public utility offices.
(2) Licensed health care facilities with a Conditional Use Permit.
(3) Professional medical offices.
(4) Research and development laboratories or testing offices.
(5) Wholesale offices and showrooms.
(6) Manufacturing and assembling as permitted in Class U-8.
(l) Class U-9 Uses.
(1) Gasoline service station limited to sites with frontage on Chagrin Boulevard only.
(2) Motels and hotels.
(3) Restaurants; Restaurants may be permitted outdoor dining areas and/or curbside pickup provided that they first obtain a Site Development Plan approval The number of outdoor seats and/or spaces dedicated for curbside pickup shall be as authorized on the approved Site Development Plan.
(4) Automobile agencies limited to sites with frontage on Chagrin Boulevard and Central Parkway only.
(5) Banks.
(6) Office buildings.
(9) Licensed health care facilities with a Conditional Use Permit.
(10) Professional medical offices.
(m) Class U-10 Uses.
(1) Office buildings.
(2) Licensed health care facilities with a Conditional Use Permit.
(3) Professional medical offices.
(4) Motels and hotels.
(5) Restaurants; Restaurants may be permitted outdoor dining areas and/or curbside pickup provided that they first obtain a Site Development Plan approval. The number of outdoor seats and/or spaces dedicated for curbside pickup shall be as authorized on the approved Site Development Plan.
(6) Motor vehicle service stations.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)