U-7A General Office Building District
U-7A General Office Building District
1127.01 Intent.
1127.02 Permitted uses.
1127.03 Area, yard and height regulations.
1127.04 Off-street parking and loading facilities.
1127.05 Site development plans.
Districts established - see P. & Z. 1111.01
Classification of uses - see P. & Z. 1111.02
Lot requirements for issuance of building permit - see P. & Z. 1143.04
Building lines - see P. & Z. 1145.02
Certificates of occupancy - see BLDG. Ch. 1313
Submission of plans to Architectural Board of Review; fee - see BLDG. 1329.08
1127.01 INTENT.
It is the intent of this Chapter (Class U-7A Districts) to provide for buildings in areas near residential neighborhoods of such types as do not create large volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, nor excessive noise, to provide employment opportunities, to provided medical services for nearby residential neighborhoods and to permit limited commercial development on parcels not considered appropriate for more intensive commercial uses.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Buildings and land in a Class U-7A District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, created, altered or intended only for the uses specifically designated as Class U-7A uses in Section 1111.02, except that other similar harmonious and compatible uses, as may be determined by the Commission and approved by Council, may be permitted. Accessory uses customarily incident to the main uses listed above shall be permitted, provided they are planned and developed integrally with the main building and provided further that in no event shall any one accessory use or any combination of accessory uses as hereinafter set forth in subsection (a) exceed a total of twenty percent (20%) of the maximum gross square footage of the floor area of the main building. Such accessory uses among those permitted under this section shall include:
(a) The sale of drugs; the sale, serving and consumption of food, soft drinks, juices, or ice cream at such places as lunch rooms, restaurant and florist shop.
(b) Parking garages; off-street parking areas for employees and customers as provided in other sections of this chapter.
(c) Maintenance and storage facilities within enclosed buildings or fenced areas.
(d) Wireless telecommunications facilities subject to the following provisions:
(1) Wireless telecommunications facilities shall only be permitted as an accessory use provided such facilities are located on the roof of the building containing the principal permitted use. Antennas may be mounted on the walls of a penthouse, except where the exterior wall of the penthouse is flush with the exterior wall of the building. Antennas, other than dipole or omni-directional antennas, which are mounted on a penthouse shall not extend above the penthouse and shall be screened with panels or other screening devices designed to match the appearance of the penthouse wall and reduce visibility.
(2) Wireless telecommunications antennas, including dipole antennas over two inches (2") in diameter, and support structures mounted directly on the roof shall not extend higher than twenty feet (20') above the roof and shall be set back from the parapet or roof edge a minimum of one foot (1') for each one foot (1') in elevation above the top of the parapet. Dipole antennas which are two inches (2") or less in diameter may be attached to the rear (inside) of the parapet wall provided such antennas do not extend more than three feet (3') above the top of said parapet wall. All such antennas shall be colored to minimize visibility.
(3) Roof mounted wireless telecommunications facilities shall be designed to withstand wind loads of ninety (90) miles per hour.
(4) Where wireless telecommunications facilities are proposed to be located on a building where such facilities already exist, the applicant shall provide assurances that the proposed facilities will not interfere with the receipt or transmission of signals by the existing facilities.
(5) Equipment cabinets, switching equipment, cables, and other devices associated with wireless telecommunications facilities which are located on roofs shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way.
(6) A building permit shall be required for the installation of each wireless communications facility. The building permit fee for wireless communications facilities shall be as set forth in Section 1329.03.
(7) The Building Commissioner may, where it is determined that proposed wireless telecommunications facilities comply with all of the criteria set forth herein, issue a permit for the installation of such facilities without referral to the Commission, otherwise applications for wireless telecommunications facilities shall be referred to the Commission for consideration.
(f) Car washes provided that:
(1) No washing or detailing activities are conducted outside of the building.
(2) There is no advertising or signage associated with the car wash.
(3) Washing is by hand only and no automated wash systems are used.
(4) The wash area does not exceed six-hundred (600) square feet.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) Area Regulations. The area of a lot occupied by a main use shall be a minimum of one (1) acre (43,560 square feet), with a minimum frontage width of one hundred fifty feet (150') at the street line. The ground area occupied by the buildings shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the lot.
(b) Yard Regulations.
(1) Front yard. Every lot or parcel shall provide a front yard of not less than seventy-five feet (75'), except where the depth of such lot or parcel is two hundred feet (200') or less, in which case a front yard of not less than twenty feet (20') may be permitted upon application to and approval by the Commission and the consent of Council.
(2) Side yard. Except where a party wall is permitted, two (2) side yards are required. Each side yard shall be at least equal to the height of the building and in no case less than ten feet (10'), except that no side yard shall be less than twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) of the width of the lot. However, where adjoining a residential District, a side yard shall not be less than fifty feet (50').
(3) Rear yard. Where adjoining a residential District, the rear yard shall be not less than fifty feet (50'). In all other locations, the rear yard shall be not less than twenty-five feet (25').
(4) Landscaping. Not less than five percent (5%) of the total land area, exclusive of the side yards, shall be developed as lawn or planted areas, or be maintained in an orderly wooded state, and in addition thereto, all portions of required yards in which no off-street parking is permitted, shall be developed as lawn or planted areas or maintained in an orderly wooded state.
(5) Screening or Planting. The Commission shall require, from each applicant for its approval, a plan depicting the design of the installation of a fence, wall, hedge, mound or other suitable screening or planting in order to create a buffer area where a U-7A District adjoins or abuts a rear or side yard or is across a street from a residential district.
(c) Use of Yard for Accessory Parking. Accessory off-street parking in a front yard shall be permitted no closer than ten feet (10') from a property line. Accessory off-street parking, including driveways, in a side yard or rear yard shall be permitted no closer than ten feet (10') from a property line or thirty feet (30') from a residential district line.
(d) Height Regulations. Buildings shall not exceed forty-two feet (42'), exclusive of towers, cornices or similar decorative features.
(e) Other Conditions. Such other conditions or requirements may be imposed by the Commission as may be necessary to provide for the protection of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare, and to insure a development which will not adversely affect the use and development of neighboring property.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)