Buildings and land in the Planned Multi-Family Residential District shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered or intended only for the uses specifically designated herein.
   (a)    Principal Permitted Uses and Buildings.
      (1)    Multi-Family Dwellings.
   (b)    Accessory Uses.
      (1)    Private parking garages for the use of residents.
      (2)    Off-street resident and visitor parking.
      (3)    Private recreation areas and facilities intended for the exclusive use of residents and their guests.
      (4)    Accessory structures pursuant to Section 1118.04(1).
      (5)    Concierge type services intended for the exclusive use of residents which may include a laundry/dry cleaning drop off, car washing services, personal shopping services, fitness facilities, and similar services.
      (6)    Signs in conformance with the provisions of Section 1141.13.
         (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)