Amendments; Annexed Lands
Amendments; Annexed Lands
1107.01 Amendment procedure.
1107.02 Zoning status of annexed land.
1107.03 Rezoning applications.
Zoning of annexed areas - see Ohio R. C. 303.25, 519.18
Council may amend districting or zoning - see Ohio R. C. 713.10
Council to hold public hearing - see Ohio R. C. 713.12
Districts and Zoning Map - see P. & Z. 1111.01
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1147
Council may amend the zoning regulations and rezone property within the City on its own motion, or at the request of a property owner or owner's agent with the following procedure. Every proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Council first for its consideration. Proposed amendments, prior to adoption, shall be referred to the Commission for a report and recommendation. Upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the Commission, the Council shall conduct a public hearing which shall have been advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the City for a period of not less than thirty (30) days. The Council may refer a proposed amendment to a committee of Council for further study at any time prior to adoption.
The Council may declare a moratorium for a period not to exceed 120 days if it finds and determines the necessity of preventing applications for Site Development Plan approval to the Commission, or applications for building permits to the Building Commissioner, during a period when amendments to the Code are being reviewed by the Council, and legislation is pending to amend the Code, in order to prevent the vesting of property owners' rights during the limited period of time when such legislation is being considered.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
When any land is annexed hereinafter to the City, it shall be classified as a Class U-1 Use District (Single-Family House District) and so designated on the Zone Map. Such zoning classification shall become effective simultaneously with the adoption of the annexation ordinance and shall remain until changed by Council. (Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) Applications for rezoning shall be filed with the Clerk of Council at least seven days prior to a regular Council meeting, with a filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) and a deposit of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in the review process. The Finance Director may request an additional deposit at any time when the deposit is depleted.
(b) Applications for rezoning shall be in the following form and shall include twelve (12) copies of the following information, at a minimum:
(1) A letter containing a full and complete statement, signed by a principal of the corporation or partnership or an individual requesting rezoning, including:
A. The location of the property to be rezoned;
B. The present use of the property;
C. The proposed use of the property;
D. A general statement regarding the type of building to be constructed, including its height and square footage;
E. The estimated cost of the proposed improvements and land; and
F. A statement regarding the identity of the Applicant, together with such other information as the Applicant may determine to be appropriate.
(2) A proposed Site Development Plan locating the building and improvements intended to be developed if the zoning is approved. Printed on the Site Development Plan shall be a "box score" listing:
A. All of Code requirements for the proposed use;
B. The actual dimensions shown on the Site Development Plan; and
C. The amount of any variance requested.
(3) A legal description of the property, which description shall include all easements or other restrictions on the use of the land.
(c) The Commission may make such additional rules or request such additional information as it finds necessary to complete its reports and recommendation to Council.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)