The First Ward shall contain the territory bounded and described as follows:
(1) Beginning on a point being the intersection of the northerly corporation line and the easterly corporation line of the City of Avon Lake at the shoreline of Lake Erie;
(2) Thence heading southerly along the eastern corporation line to the southern corporation line of the City of Avon Lake;
(3) Thence westerly along the southern corporation line to Lear Road;
(4) Thence northerly along the centerline of Lear Road to Lake Road;
(5) Thence easterly along the centerline of Lake Road to North Point Drive;
(6) Thence northerly along the centerline of North Point Drive extending from the point of its closest proximity to the shoreline of Lake Erie; and
(7) Thence easterly along the north corporation line back to the point of beginning herein containing properties to be known as Ward 1.
(Ord. 165-98, passed 10-12-1998; Ord. 24-93, passed 7-8-2024)