(a) Establishment. There is hereby established in and for the city a Tree Commission to foster a community that is committed to the sustainable management of the urban forest.
(b) Goals and objectives.
(1) Promote the health and safety of the existing urban tree population and achieve a fully stocked, healthy, and resilient urban forest by providing recommendations for tree planting on public lands, in rights-of-way, and in subdivisions, per the Planning and Zoning Code;
(2) Educate Avon Lake’s citizens, employees, and volunteers about the need for a sustainable urban forest and the value and importance of maintaining and improving the urban forest;
(3) Work with city staff to ensure annual Tree City USA recognition and Growth Award attainment; and
(4) Provide advice regarding arboricultural and urban forestry best management practices.
(Ord. 23-200, passed 12-11-2023)
(a) Membership. The Tree Commission shall consist of seven voting members to be comprised of the following: the Urban Forester; one member of Council (who serves as the Chairperson of the Public Service Committee); and five persons, who for the previous two years have been registered, qualified electors of the city, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council.
(b) Term of office. The five appointed citizen members of the Tree Commission shall each serve three-year terms, provided however that the upon approval and adoption of this chapter, the first term of the five appointed members shall be staggered with two members serving for one year, one two members serving for two years, and the third member serving for three years. Should a vacancy occur during the term of any member, a successor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of Council for the unexpired portion of such term.
(c) Compensation and reimbursement. Members of the Tree Commission shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for any and all necessary expenditures in carrying out the functions of the Commission, including recommended continuing education opportunities provided through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, and other qualified providers, or as approved by the Urban Forester.
(d) Removal. Any Commission member who misses three consecutive meetings or more than 50% of the regular meetings on an annual basis may be removed from the Tree Commission by a majority vote of the other Commissioners.
(Ord. 23-200, passed 12-11-2023)
(a) The Tree Commission shall have the power to study, investigate, plan, advise, report and recommend to Council, the Urban Forester, the Planning Commission or the Mayor any action, program, plan, or legislation which the Commission shall find or determine to be necessary or advisable:
(1) Promote the health and safety of all trees in the urban forest on the public lands through the care, preservation, trimming, planting, replanting, maintaining, protecting, prompting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in public ways, curb strips, streets, alleys, and all city property;
(2) Achieve a fully stocked, healthy, and resilient urban forest by identifying and recommending trees and other plants desirable for planting in public spaces and on private property to ensure the public safety and welfare, promote diversity of native species of trees and other plants, and protect the local natural ecosystem;
(3) To identify trees and other plants which are undesirable for planting in public spaces and on private property to ensure the public safety and welfare and benefit the natural, local ecosystem;
(4) Work with city staff to ensure annual Tree City USA recognition and Growth Award attainment;
(5) Educate the community’s residents, elected officials, employees, and volunteers about the value and need for a sustainable urban forest by understanding the importance of maintaining and improving the urban forest through encouraging arboricultural best practices for the city; and
(6) Work with the Urban Forester to establish and maintain an inventory of city-owned trees and identify trees at high risk for failure, disease, and insect infiltration.
(b) The Commission, when requested by Council, the Mayor, or the Urban Forester, shall consider, investigate, make findings, report, and recommend upon any special matter or question coming within the scope of its work. Recommendations requiring Council action shall be made to the Public Service Committee of Council.
(c) The members of the Tree Commission shall provide website content to Communications and Technology concerning the rules, regulations, standards and specifications developed by the Commission and approved by Council or such other content as deemed advisable.
(d) It is recommended that members of the Tree Commission participate in continuing education through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Department of Forestry, and other educational opportunities.
(e) The Tree Commission shall establish and implement an annual Arbor Day observance.
(Ord. 23-200, passed 12-11-2023)