The following minimum standards shall apply to all parking spaces and driveway aisles.
(a) Parking space standard width and length. Parking spaces shall have the following minimum dimensions, exclusive of circulation aisles:
Table 1234-1: Parking Space Dimensional Requirements
| |||||
Dimension (Feet) | 0 Degree Parallel | 30 Degrees Diagonal | 45 Degrees Diagonal | 60 Degrees Diagonal | 90 Degrees Perpendicular |
Space width | 8 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 9 | 9 |
Space length | 22 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
(b) Circulation aisles. Circulation aisles shall have the minimum dimensions as set forth in Table 1234-1 based on whether the drive aisle has only one-way or two-way traffic. Where there is a combination of two different parking angles, the widest aisle width shall be required.
Table 1234-2: Circulation Aisle Dimensional Requirements | |||||
Dimension (feet) | 0 degree Parallel | 30 degrees Diagonal | 45 degrees Diagonal | 60 degrees Diagonal | 90 degrees Perpendicular |
One-way | 12 | 14 | 15 | 15 | 24 |
Two-way | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
Accessible parking and loading spaces, except spaces used exclusively by buses, trucks, other delivery vehicles, law enforcement vehicles or vehicular impound, shall meet all state as established in the State Building Code.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
(a) Access for single-family and multi-family dwellings. Access for residential uses shall be as follows.
(1) For single-family dwellings, no more than two access driveways shall be permitted, per unit, with a minimum width of ten feet and a maximum width of 30 feet for each driveway as measured at the curb.
(2) For multi-family dwellings, no more than two access driveways into the off-street parking area shall be permitted with a minimum width of 20 feet and a maximum width of 40 feet for each driveway as measured at the curb. For multi-family dwellings that have garage driveway access or parking spaces directly accessible to a private street, the Planning Commission may authorize wider driveway widths.
(3) Residential driveways and parking pads shall meet the setback requirements of § 1224.01(b)(12).
(4) Where the main or principal structure is demolished in any residential zoning district, all driveways and paved surfaces shall also be cleared from the site.
(b) Access for all other uses. Access for all uses, except single-family and two-family dwellings shall be as follows:.
(1) Each lot shall be permitted one two-way access drive or, upon review of the site plan, by the Planning Commission, a pair of one-way drives. For each 150 feet or fraction thereof, an additional drive may be permitted.
(2) Entrance/exit driveways accessing the off-street parking area shall not exceed 15 feet in width for each lane of ingress/egress and shall not be located within 50 feet of a street intersection as measured from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
(a) Parking spaces for all uses shall be provided either in garages or dedicated parking areas conforming to the provisions of this code.
(b) Other than a paved driveway, no off-street parking shall be located within any required front yard for any residential use.
(c) Except as otherwise provided, required off-street parking, loading, and stacking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the principal building.
(d) Parking areas and driveways shall be subject to the maximum lot coverage standards of the applicable zoning district.
(e) Off-street parking areas in nonresidential districts shall be set back:
(1) A minimum of 20 feet from all front lot lines;
(2) A minimum of five feet from all side and rear lot lines adjacent to a lot in a nonresidential zoning district unless such adjacent lots have shared parking or where there is a driveway connecting the two off-street parking areas; and
(3) A minimum of 20 feet from all lot lines adjacent to a lot in a residential zoning district.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
(a) The display for sale of all types of vehicles shall be prohibited within any required off-street parking area, except for a private individual selling one personal vehicle or land where the principal use is the sale or lease of vehicles.
(b) The display, sales or storage of any goods, wares or merchandise shall not be permitted within any areas designated for required off-street parking, loading or waiting spaces except on private driveways for residential uses for garage sales and other permitted temporary sales.
(c) No part of any building, structure or related improvements and materials shall be temporarily or permanently located or stored outdoors, in areas designated for off-street parking, loading or stacking facilities unless approved for outdoor bulk sales and storage (see § 1224.01: Accessory Uses and structures,) or as part of a temporary event (see § 1224.02: Temporary Uses and Structures).
(d) None of these requirements are intended to regulate the storage of vehicles or materials in an enclosed garage.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
For the purposes of determining off-street parking requirements, the following units of measurement shall apply.
(a) Where floor area is designated as the standard for determining parking space requirements, gross floor area shall be used for all land uses.
(b) Where seating capacity is the standard for determining parking space requirements, the capacity shall mean the number of seating units installed or indicated, or when fixed seats are not indicted, the capacity shall be determined as being one seat for each 20 square feet of floor area of the assembly room. For benches and pews, 30 lineal inches shall be considered as one seat.
(c) Fractional numbers shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
(a) Whenever any change in use, enlargement of a building, or extension of a land use results in an increase in the number of units used to measure required off-street parking, loading or waiting spaces, and such alteration or change creates a need for an increase of more than 15% in the number of required off-street parking spaces, additional off-street parking shall be provided on the basis of the increase in the number of such units of measurement.
(b) The 15% increase shall be measured as an aggregate change from the number of spaces that existed on the effective date of this code.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)