The Water Pollution Control Center and the public sewerage system of the city shall be operated and administered under rules and regulations established by the Board of Municipal Utilities. Such rules and regulations shall be for the collection of user charges, expenditures of revenues and other matters necessary for the safe, economical, efficient and proper operation of such facilities. The rules and regulations of the Board shall have the same force and effect as ordinances of the city, except when in conflict with such ordinances, the City Charter or the Constitution or laws of the state.
(Ord. 175-84, passed 12-26-1984)
It is hereby determined and declared that the collection of sewer service charges to cover the costs of constructing, expanding, operating, maintaining and administering the city’s wastewater treatment facilities is necessary and conducive to the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and convenience of the city.
(Ord. 175-84, passed 12-26-1984; Ord. 159-2012, passed 12-17-2012)
(a) Funds received from the collection of revenue generated by the schedule of sewer services charges shall be deposited in a like manner as other municipal funds and shall be accounted for and known as the Water Pollution Control and Sewer Fund (also known as the Sewer Fund) and shall be held for the payment of all costs and expenses, including debt, for the operation, maintenance, replacement, repair, rehabilitation, management and administration of the Water Pollution Control Center and the public sanitary and combined sewerage system and appurtenances.
(b) The Board of Municipal Utilities shall, as part of the authority granted in § 1056.02, promulgate rules and regulations that shall provide that the revenue generated by each increment of the consumption charge noted in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule is used for its appropriate purpose. However, the Board of Municipal Utilities may authorize and recommend the temporary use of revenue generated by a given increment for purposes noted in division (a) of this section, provided that provision is made for the timely replacement of such revenue. The Director of Municipal Utilities shall recommend adjustments to the consumption charge and/or its increments noted in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule.
(c) The Board shall have the authority to authorize and recommend the transfer of revenue collected from the schedule of sewer service charges to interest earning funds or to otherwise authorize and recommend the investment of such funds in accordance with appropriate and current procedures being followed at that time. Interest earned on such funds shall be spent for those purposes enumerated in division (a) of this section.
(Prior Code, § 1056.05) (Ord. 175-84, passed 12-26-1984)