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Avon Lake Overview
Avon Lake, OH Code of Ordinances
Avon Lake, OH Municipal Utilities Regulations
   The Director of Municipal Utilities and the Board of Municipal Utilities are hereby authorized and directed to adopt and enforce rules and regulations in accordance with this chapter for the purpose of providing control of the installation of sewer connections and inspection thereof. The Director and the Board shall maintain accurate and complete records of all permits issued for and inspections made of connections to the public sewers. They shall also require the abandonment and removal of connections to the public sewers which violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 68-59, passed 10-26-1959)
   No owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any lot or land located within the city shall establish, construct, maintain or permit to remain a privy, cesspool or other receptacle for sewage or excreta, or a connection to a private sewer, ditch or other outlet, if such lot or land is accessible to a public sewer constructed and used for the purpose, and if a public water main or other water supply satisfactory to permit use of plumbing is available. When such public sewer and water main or other water supply are available or are hereafter made available, a connection to such public sewer shall be established and used by the owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant.
(Ord. 69-59, passed 10-26-1959)
   (a)   Owners of all unimproved residential real property in the Titus-Pitts-Hill Drainage Area (Central Avon Lake Drainage Project (CALDP)) shall, upon development of said property, pay a storm sewer tap-in fee per dwelling unit as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule. Should there be more than one dwelling unit per building or lot, said fee shall be charged for each dwelling unit, up to and including two and one-half units per acre.
   (b)   Owners of all unimproved commercial and industrial real property in the Titus-Pitts-Hill Drainage Area (Central Avon Lake Drainage Project (CALDP)) shall, upon development of said property, pay a trunk storm sewer capacity fee as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule.
   (c)   The fees established in divisions (a) and (b) of this section shall be collected by the Building Inspector, who shall keep accurate records of all fees so collected. Any determination in regard to the interpretation of this section shall be made by the City Council.
   (d)   The City Council shall develop its own policy as deemed necessary for the enforcement of this section and the collection of said fees.
   (e)   The fees established in divisions (a) and (b) of this section are based upon current construction costs, and, in order that these fees be kept current, the Avon Lake City Council shall adjust them yearly by multiplying them by the first Cleveland Construction Cost Index figure published after January 1, 1996, and every year thereafter, divided by 6014.17, which is the current Engineering News Record construction cost of Cleveland.
   (f)   The tap-in fee established in division (a) of this section shall apply to present unimproved real property upon which buildings are constructed after the effective date of this section (Ordinance 214-96, passed November 25, 1996). It shall also apply to unimproved real property upon which buildings are currently under construction, but without occupancy permits having been issued therefor on the effective date of this section. Existing improved real property shall not be charged such fee.
   (g)   There is hereby established a Titus-Pitts-Hill Storm Sewer Construction Fund into which all fees collected under this section shall be deposited, and upon which all interest on said funds shall accrue. Said Fund shall only be used for construction of the storm sewer from Lake Erie to the detention basin behind the Avon Lake Service Garage, and as indicated in the 1996 update of the master plan for storm sewers.
   (h)   The fees established in divisions (a) and (b) of this section may be paid at any time prior to the improvement of such real property, but shall be paid prior to the purchase of a building permit, and the same is hereby made a condition of the issuance of an occupancy permit. In those situations, and only those situations, where unimproved property has buildings under construction on the effective date of this section (Ordinance 214-96, passed November 25, 1996), the fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit and shall be made a condition of the issuance thereof.
   (i)   The fees established in divisions (a) and (b) of this section shall apply to all improvements, regardless of whether such improvements are connected to a storm sewer or not.
   (j)   (1)   Prior to August 15, 1997, a property owner may request that the payment of the tap-in fee charge be paid over a period of 25 years, through the County Auditor’s office, as a lien to be placed upon the property.
      (2)   The lien amount for acreage shall be as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule.
      (3)   If a lien has been placed upon a property, and requested units for that property exceed the number of units so liened, then the property owners shall pay for the additional units as stated in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - the General Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 214-96, passed 11-25-1996; Ord. 137-97, passed 7-14-1997; Ord. 22-98, passed 1-26-1998)
Editor’s note:
   The Titus-Pitts-Hill Drainage Area is also known as the Central Avon Lake Drainage Project (CALDP)
§ 1052.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each 24 hour period the violation or noncompliance continues after a period of 30 days following the original conviction.
(Ord. 94-74, passed 6-10-1974)