840.01 Definitions
840.02 Permit and registration required
840.03 Information required for registration
840.04 Issuance of permit; transfers; duration
840.05 Soliciting, canvassing, and peddling permitted only during certain hours and places
840.06 Display of permit; return; exceptions
840.07 Revocation of permits
840.08 Notice prohibiting soliciting, canvassing, and peddling
840.09 “Do Not Knock” Registry
840.10 Soliciting, canvassing, or peddling in violation of notice or “Do Not Knock” Registry
840.99 Penalty
Editor’s note:
This chapter, previously titled Peddlers, was re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 101-94, passed May 9, 1994. The chapter was re-enacted in its entirety again by Ordinance 53-98, passed March 23, 1998 and subsequently re-amended by Ord. 22-169, passed December 12, 2022.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CANVASSER. Any person traveling either by foot, automobile, truck or any other type of conveyance from place to place, door to door or from street to street who obtains or seeks to obtain or influences the opinions of the residents of the city, upon the private residences including any house, apartment or other dwelling in the city, who also may or may not obtain or seek to obtain funds for any cause whatsoever;
PEDDLER. Any person traveling either by foot, automobile, truck or any other type of conveyance from place to place, door to door or from street to street, taking or attempting to take orders for profit by the sale of goods, wares and merchandise or personal property of any nature whatsoever for immediate delivery.
SOLICITOR. Any person traveling either by foot, automobile, truck or any other type of conveyance from place to place, door to door or from street to street, taking or attempting to take orders for profit by the sale of goods, wares and merchandise or personal property of any nature whatsoever for future delivery or for the services to be furnished or performed in the future;
(Ord. 53-98, passed 3-23-1998; Ord. 22-169, passed 12-12-2022)
(b) Any canvasser is encouraged to notify the Division of Police before obtaining, seeking to obtain, or influencing the opinions of the residents of the city. Any canvasser is urged to provide the Division of Police in writing with his or her name and address, the name and address of the organization represented, and the dates, times and particular locations where canvassing is to be performed. No fee shall be charged for the notification of any canvasser. Canvassers are required to comply with the hours of restrictions listed in § 840.05. Canvassers are also required to comply with the restrictions listed in § 840.10 related to the “Do Not Knock” Registry and residents posting notices prohibiting soliciting, canvassing or peddling.
(Ord. 22-169, passed 12-12-2022)