General Provisions
95.01 Prohibited nuisances
95.02 Abatement
Abandoned Vehicles
95.10 Junk, wrecked, abandoned vehicles declared nuisance
95.11 Written notice to remedy violation
95.12 Enforcement
95.13 State law adopted by reference
Smoking in Mass Transit Vehicles
95.20 Smoking prohibited
95.21 Violators to be evicted from vehicle
95.22 No smoking signs
False Alarm Policy
95.30 Purpose
95.31 Definitions
95.32 Policy
95.33 Procedure
95.34 False alarm notification letter
95.99 Penalty
Additional Smoking regulations, see Chapter 99
In addition to the things deemed by the common law of the state to be nuisances, the following things are hereby declared to be nuisances.
(A) All offensive trades which render the enjoyment of property dangerous.
(B) Vicious animals known to be running at large.
(C) Ponds of stagnant water, dung heaps, and privies that are allowed to become unclean and obnoxious.
(D) Hog pens, pig sties, slaughter pens, and slaughter houses.
(E) The deposit of slop, water, or other filth from kitchens or cook houses on any street, lot, alley, or sidewalk of the city.
('83 Code, § 96.01)
Any person who shall be guilty of causing, creating, suffering, or maintaining any of the things declared in
§ 95.01 to be nuisances shall be punished as provided in
§ 10.99, and, in addition thereto, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to keep a lookout for all offenses named in this chapter and to abate the same if the owner shall refuse to do so on notice from the Chief of Police. After notice to the owner to abate any nuisance and refusal on his part so to do, the Chief of Police shall abate the same at the expense of the city and the city shall then have the right to recover the costs of abatement from the person whose fault it was that the nuisance was permitted, created, or maintained.
('83 Code, § 96.02)