To promote the comfort, health, safety, and well-being of the patrons of the Ashland Bus System and to protect the property of the Ashland Bus System, it shall be illegal to smoke tobacco or any other product on the mass transit vehicles of the Ashland Bus System.
('83 Code, § 96.20) (Ord. 13-1979, passed 4-19-79) Penalty, see
§ 95.99
Any person who shall violate the terms of
§ 95.20 shall be expelled and evicted from the bus or mass transit vehicle on his or her refusal to cease and desist the smoking of tobacco or other products on the bus or mass transit vehicle.
('83 Code, § 96.21) (Ord. 13-1979, passed 4-19-79)
The Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning, Code Enforcement, and Mass Transit is hereby authorized to cause to be prepared appropriate "No Smoking" signs and to cause the signs to be placed in all mass transit vehicles operated by the Ashland Bus System.
('83 Code, § 96.22) (Ord. 13-1979, passed 4-19-79)
For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
INTENTIONAL FALSE ALARM. The willful and knowing initiation or transmission of a signal, message or other notification of an event of fire when no such danger exists.
NUISANCE ALARM. An alarm caused by mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, or lack of proper maintenance, or an alarm activated by a cause that cannot be determined.
UNWARRANTED FIRE ALARM. The giving, signaling or transmission of an alarm notification to a public fire station or emergency communications center when such alarm is the result of a defective condition of an alarm system, system servicing or testing, construction activities, or other cause when no such danger exists.
(Ord. 40-2012, passed 6-7-12)