General Provisions
90.01 Cruelty to animals
90.02 Animals grazing on public ways
90.03 Fowl running at large
Licensing of Animals and Rabies Control
90.15 Definitions
90.16 Enforcement
90.17 Licensing of dogs
90.18 Tag and collar for dogs
90.19 Confinement of certain dogs
90.20 Restraint; areas prohibited
90.21 Vicious or wild animals
90.22 Impoundment
90.23 Redemption of impounded animals
90.24 Rabies vaccination
90.25 Rabies control
90.26 Reports of bite cases
90.27 Responsibilities of veterinarians
90.28 Investigation
90.29 Owner responsibility
90.30 Interference
90.31 Records
90.32 Community cat population/management of community cat population
90.33 City Animal Control Officers
90.99 Penalty