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Asheville Overview
Asheville, NC Code of Ordinances
Asheville, Standard Specifications and Details Manual
4A.01   General
Lighting of publicly accessible streets, bike lanes, sidewalks and other pedestrian areas is important for public safety. To ensure the installation of street lighting that is adequate to achieve this purpose, the following requirements are established. Please refer to “Article XI” of the Unified Development Ordinance for standards regulating all other outdoor lighting.
4A.01a Easement Required. Adequate rights-of-way or utility easements shall be dedicated to the City to allow the electric utility company to install street lights. Ideally, facilities with detached bike paths or sidewalks may use a combined signage, utility, and pedestrian easement for placement of the street lights between the curb and bikeway. Ideally two (2) feet of horizontal clearance from the sidewalk or bike path should be met. Where a bike path or sidewalk is attached to the street curb and gutter, street lights should be placed behind the sidewalk or path within a minimum three (3) foot wide utility easement. Utility easements for street lights are not exclusive and may be landscaped or used for parking subject to City approval. If there is an exclusive easement behind an attached walk or path, the street lights shall be located beyond that easement in an additional three (3) foot wide easement.
4A.01b New Development. The installation costs of street light fixtures associated with new development shall be paid by the developer. The City shall assume continued maintenance and energy costs associated with new installations after the associated streets are accepted for maintenance by the City. Upon street acceptance, the owner/developer must transfer the street lighting electric bill into the City’s name. All other fixtures must be approved by the City. All underground facilities shall be a pedestal mount design.
4A.01c Other New Installation. The City will authorize the installation of additional street lighting on existing City maintained rights-of-way upon the determination that there is a demonstrated public safety need. The City will not assume costs for the installation, maintenance, or energy costs of street lights on streets not maintained by the City.
4A.01d Annexed Areas. The City shall assume costs of existing street lights in newly annexed areas provided the lights comply with City standards and their associated streets have been accepted for maintenance by the City. The City will take responsibility for the utility costs associated with the streets, effective the first full billing cycle following the acceptance of the street.
4A.01c Priorities for Installation. Street lights may be installed by the City within the City maintained right- of-ways in new locations based the following reasons:
•   Reduction of an identified night-time traffic accident problem correctable through street light installation.
•   Major traffic corridors with significant turning movement conflicts and night-time pedestrian activity.
•   Major traffic corridors with significant night-time turning movement conflicts.
•   Arterial and collector intersections and/or horizontal or vertical alignment changes.
•   Residential street lighting.
•   Commercial alleys with significant night-time pedestrian activity.
•   Other public safety needs.
4A.02   Illumination, Height, and Spacing Requirements
The following standards will be observed for the illumination, height, and spacing requirements for street lights.
Table 4-1: Illumination Requirements for Street Lights
Approved Lighting Type
Rated Brightness
Luminance - Residential Districts
High Pressure Sodium Vapor or Metal Halide
5,800 to 9,500 lumens
Luminance - Non-residential Districts
High Pressure Sodium Vapor or Metal Halide
16,000 to 50,000 lumens
Table 4-2: Height Requirements for Street Lights
Residential Districts
16 feet or as specified
25 feet (18 feet for post mount decorative lights)
Non-residential Districts
30 feet
35 feet
Table 4-3: Spacing Requirements for Street Lights
Street Classification or District
Spacing Along Curved or Staggered Alignment Segments Measured from the Centerline of the Road
Local and Collector Streets (Residential Districts)
125-150 feet
Arterial Streets
75-100 feet
Business Districts
55-80 feet
4B   Decorative or Other Non-Standard Street Lighting
The provisions of this section are not intended to prevent the use of decorative or other non-standard street lighting fixtures provided their use has been approved by the City and complies with the standards set forth in “Article XI” of the Unified Development Ordinance. The use of such fixtures to complement an overall design context is allowed. Decorative fixtures not maintained by the local electric utility company will be the responsibility of the owner/developer to maintain.
The City is receptive to establishing agreements that allow the marginal additional costs of installation, maintenance and energy usage, if any, to be borne by the developer, property owner(s), homeowners association, business improvement district, or other responsible party.
The City encourages the use of energy efficient facilities, provided they are maintainable by the local utility company.