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Asheville, NC Code of Ordinances
Asheville, Standard Specifications and Details Manual
Sec. 7-19-5. Payment in lieu of compliance.
(a)   Payment may be made in lieu of compliance to fulfill the new tree canopy installation requirements for a site as found in Table 7-19.2 and 7-19.3.
(b)   Payments in lieu of compliance received in relation to properties within a given Resource Management Overlay District shall be used to acquire land and plant or preserve trees within that same Resource Management Overlay District.
(c)   Exclusions: Payment in lieu of compliance shall not be accepted for:
(1)   Areas containing aquatic buffers.
(2)   Areas defined as steep slope zone A or B as defined by section 7-12-4.
(d)   Calculation of payment amounts.
(1)   The payment amount in lieu of planting shall be based on values listed in the current year fees and charges manual.
(Ord. No. 4824, § 1h, 9-8-20; Ord. No. 5103, § 1b, 9-24-24)