(a) Purpose. The Commercial Expansion District (COM EXP) is established to provide areas for large scale con11nercial or nonresidential developments that meet the definition of a Level III development. This district is intended to encourage a concentration of uses and activities, efficient use of infrastructure and resources, and multimodal connectivity through innovative, sustainable design that integrates appropriately with adjacent uses. Residential uses 1nay be permitted as part of a conunercial n1ixed-use development. The Commercial Expansion District is a conditional district that is applied for through a rezoning application.
(b) Allowable land uses. All permitted uses in the Commercial Expansion District are identified in the Table of Permitted Uses, Sec. 7-8-1(d).
(c) Drive-thru. Drive-thru uses, if provided, must be located within the development utilizing internal access and avoiding the primary access corridor(s). In addition, drive thru uses may not be located within 250 feet of residentially zoned property.
(d) Development standards. If applicable, there should be general compatibility with height and building step-back standards with an adopted form based code or other adopted plans or design guidelines in place for, or adjacent to, the project area. Where the form code standards conflict with the standards in this subsection, the form code standards shall control. Where there is no form code, the following standards shall apply.
(1) Density. Residential uses are permitted as part ofa commercial mixed-use develop- ment. The maximum residential density within the Commercial Expansion District shall be 20 dwelling units per acre. Density may be increased 50 dwelling units per acre if 20 percent of the dwell- ing units meet affordability standards set by the City for households earning 80 percent or less of area median income. Affordable units must be affordable to and leased to income eligible households for at least 20 years. For sale units must be available to income qualified households for the initial sale.
(2) Structure size standards. None.
(3) Lot size standards. One acre.
(4) Lot width standards. The minimum lot width shall be 100 feet along a publicly maintained right-of-way(s).
(5) Setback standards. The following minimum setbacks shall be required for uses in the Commercial Expansion District.
Front: 15 feet for mixed use buildings oriented to face a primary road, and 35 feet for all other cases.
Corner lot, street side: 25 feet. Side: None required.
Rear: 25 feet.
Setbacks along front and corner side street frontages may be reduced to ten feet when the property is located in areas designated as urban in nature based on future land use categories and where road widening is not anticipated. If reduced, all parking shall be located to the side or rear and not closer to the street than the fa9ade of the principal structure, and where pedestrian-oriented design features are incorporated in build- ing and site design.
The landscape and buffering standards (section 7-11-3) may require additional setback; if so, the most restrictive require- ment shall apply.
(6) Impervious surface standards. 80 percent.
(7) Height standards. The maximum height of structures in the Commercial Expan- sion District shall be 80 feet.
(8) Landscape and buffering standards. Landscape and buffering shall be provided as required by section 7-11-3 of this chapter.
(9) Parking and loading facilities. Parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required by section 7-11-2 of this chapter. Parking lots shall be located to the side or rear of all building(s) fronting the primary street(s), and are encouraged to be placed to the side or rear of all build- ings located along the internal access routes (as applicable).
(10) Sidewalk standards. Sidewalks shall be provided as required by and pursuant to the requirements for sidewalks as set forth in section 7-11-8 of this chapter and shall be a minimum of ten feet wide. In addition to sidewalks provided along street frontages, sidewalks will also be required to connect to the principle uses(s) within the development and shall meet a minimum standard width of eight feet.
(11) Access and mobility standards. Multi-modal access to the development shall be analyzed at the planning stage. Vehicular access to the development should be limited to arterials or collector streets with a single driveway connection. Bike lanes into the development and on internal streets (if applicable) should be a part of the development plan. Access and cross access should be evaluated to connect to adjoining properties to improve roadway capacity, ensure driver safety and mobil- ity options for bicyclists and pedestrians. Stub out connections may be constructed if cross access is not available. Transit shelters should be considered for developments along transit routes coordinated with the transportation department. Greenway connections through the development or to nearby existing or planned greenways should be provided for.
(12) Open space standards. Open space shall be provided as required by section 7-11-4 of this chapter.
(13) Design and operation standards. Where there is no form code, the following standards shall apply:
a. The front of the building shall be oriented towards the primary access corridor. Building sides should be similar to their fronts. On corner lots the building or portions of the building must be located at the street corner.
b. All buildings shall include a well- defined operable entrance at regular intervals not exceeding 75 feet on each primary facade to encourage access by pedestrians.
c. Fenestration is required along the building facade(s) facing the primary access corridor, for a n1iniinum of 40 percent of the ground floor horizontal dimension.
d. Within 100 feet of a residentially zoned area, the height of buildings and other structures shall be subject to the height limitations of the residential zone to form a transition area.
e. Trash collection and other delivery functions should be directed away from residentially zoned areas.
These standards shall not apply to industrial or institutional projects.
(14) Emergency wireless communications. Communication requirements shall be provided as required by section 7-11-9 of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 4560, § 1l, 2-14-17; Ord. No. 4637, § 1l, 1-9-18; Ord. No. 4855, §§ 1(p), (q), 2-23-21; Ord. No. 4404, § 1c, d, 9-28-21; Ord. No. 4961, § 1b, 7-26-22)
Editor's note-Ord. No. 4855, §§ l(p), adopted Feb. 23, 2021, repealed§ 7-8-41, and renumbered§ 7-8-42 as§ 7-8-41. Former § 7-8-41 pertained to the Institutional Expansion District, and derived from Ord. No. 4560, § ll, adopted Feb. 14, 2017; and Ord. No. 4637, § 11, adopted Jan. 9, 2018.