Any applicant denied a permit under this article shall receive a statement, in writing, outlining the reasons for denial of the permit. The applicant may appeal the denial of the permit to the city manager within 15 working days after the date of the written denial. The determination of the city manager shall be final.
(Ord. No. 3024, 5-27-03)
(a) The city manager or her/his designee may suspend or revoke any permit issued pursuant to this article upon the occurrence of any or all of the following events in which the permit holder has:
(1) Provided false information or fraudulently misrepresented information in the permit application.
(2) Violated this article, any local, state, federal law or any regulations of the county health department or other applicable regulatory agency.
(3) Failed to comply with the requirements of this article or the terms of the permit issued or encroachment agreement entered into pursuant to this article.
(4) Operated under the permit in such a manner as to create a public nuisance or to constitute any hazard to the public health, safety or welfare or to damage or destroy public property.
(5) Failed to post conspicuously the permit at all times at the location where the activity is permitted.
(6) Failed or ceased to conduct the activities allowed in the permit for a period of seven consecutive days during the time period of April through October of any year.
(7) Failed to secure and maintain any other licenses or permits required by local, state or federal laws or regulations.
(b) Before the permit is suspended or revoked, the city manager or her/his designee shall notify the permit holder of the intent to suspend or revoke the permit and the reasons therefor, shall provide the permit holder a reasonable time period within which to comply with the requirements of this article or the permit, and shall afford the permit holder a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard on the question of such suspension or revocation. In the event that the permit holder has not satisfactorily complied with the requirements of this article or the permit within the set time period, the city manager or her/his designee may then suspend or revoke the permit.
(Ord. No. 3024, 5-27-03; Ord. No. 4052, § 1h, 1-24-12)
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the requirements of this article or of the permit issued under this article.
(a) Unless otherwise specified within this chapter, any person who is found to have violated any of the requirements of this article or a permit issued under this article, shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00 per day for each day the violation continues, to be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within the prescribed period of time after he or she has been cited for the violation. The procedures set forth in section 1-5 of this Code for violations which constitute a civil penalty are incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. No. 3024, 5-27-03; Ord. No. 5047, § 1b, 10-24-23)
Secs. 16-162—16-170. Reserved.
These regulations are adopted to provide a uniform system of assigning street names and addresses throughout the city, to facilitate provision of adequate public safety and emergency response services, and to minimize difficulty in locating buildings for public service agencies and the general public.
(Ord. No. 2013, § 1(b), 2-2-93; Ord. No. 3299, 11-9-05)
As used in this section, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply:
(1) COAMSAL (City of Asheville Master Street Address List). The official listing of all streets and roads within the City of Asheville.
(2) End point. A point at either end of a street where said street either begins or ends.
(3) Point of origin:
a. For cul-de-sac or dead-end streets, the point of origin is located at the end point from which said street emanates;
b. For all streets which are not cul-de-sac or dead-end streets, the point of origin shall be the end point of said street closest to the center of the intersection of Patton Avenue and Broadway;
c. Where the point of origin is questionable and for all other conditions not defined in a. and b. above, the determination of the point of origin is left to the discretion of the emergency address coordinator.
(4) Emergency address coordinator. A person designated by the city manager to be responsible for the administration of this section.
(5) Street address number. The address number assigned to a property or building by the emergency address coordinator.
(6) Street naming and numbering proposal. A proposal submitted to the emergency address coordinator prior to subdividing and recording subdivided parcels.
(Ord. No. 2013, § 1(c), 2-2-93; Ord. No. 3299, 11-9-05)
(a) The street names listed in the COAMSAL are kept on file with the public works department, are hereby declared the official names of streets in the city unless hereafter changed by action of the city council.
(b) The emergency address coordinator is hereby authorized to determine the need for street names and name changes and to recommend changes to the city council for both private and public streets within the city.
(c) There shall be no assignment of duplicate street names. Street names should not closely approximate phonetically the name of any street within the county, irrespective of the use of a designation suffix (street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court, etc.) or a direction prefix or suffix (north, south, east, west, etc.).
(d) Where proposed streets are extension of existing streets, the existing street names shall be used and addresses assigned accordingly.
(Ord. No. 2013, § 1(d), 2-2-93; Ord. No. 3299, 11-9-05)